Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/26235
Título: Portuguese Economic Journal, past and future
Autor: Cardoso, José Luís
Palavras-chave: Portuguese journals
Journal impact factors
S&T policy
Open science
Data: 2022
Editora: Springer
Citação: Cardoso, José Luís (2022). "Portuguese Economic Journal, past and future". Portuguese Economic Journal, 21(3):271-282
Resumo: This article is a contribution to the history of the creation of the PEJ, officially launched in 1999. It bears witness to the context in which research in economics was undertaken in Portugal in the 1990s and the orientations given to S&T policies, which were designed to promote the internationalisation of the academic community. By analysing the successful path followed by the PEJ, the article seeks to discuss some of the challenges that are currently being faced with the development and acceptance of conventional instruments for measuring the quality of scientific journals (Journal Impact Factors), calling for a fresh look at the social and public impact of academic outcomes
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/26235
DOI: 10.1007/s10258-022-00213-2
ISSN: 1617-982X
1617-9838 (online)
Aparece nas colecções:Portuguese Economic Journal, 2022, Volume 21, nº 3

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