Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/12371
Título: Psychometric Validation of the Portuguese Version of the Modern Homonegativity Scale among Portuguese College Students
Autor: Garcia-Berben, Ana Belen
Pereira, Henrique
Lara-Garrido, Adrián Salvador
Alvarez-Bernardo, Gloria
Esgalhado, Graça
Palavras-chave: Modern homonegativity
Gay men
Lesbian woman
College students
Modern prejudice
Data: 18-Ago-2022
Resumo: The studies focused on analysing attitudes toward homosexuality show that the manifestation of homonegativity has evolved into more modern forms. We therefore propose using instruments that capture subtle aspects in discrimination against gay and lesbian people. The objective of this study is twofold. First, we aim to adapt and validate the Portuguese version of the Modern Homonegativity Scale. Second, we set out to analyse the modern homonegativity shown by Portuguese university students. The scale includes two parallel subscales (MHS-Gay Men and MHS-Lesbian Women), each with 12 items. Six hundred and forty-one Portuguese college students between 18 and 27 years of age participated in the study (Mage = 21.23; SD = 1.88). The results demonstrate the unidimensionality of the scale and a high degree of internal consistency, along with satisfactory fit indices. Those people who identified as male and heterosexual showed greater modern homonegativity. We conclude that the Portuguese version of the MHS is valid and reliable for evaluating modern homonegativity in Portugal.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/12371
DOI: 10.3390/ejihpe12080081
Aparece nas colecções:FCSH - DPE | Documentos por Auto-Depósito
ICI - CIDESD-UBI | Documentos por Auto-Depósito

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