Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/4147
Título: Development and optimisation of phase change material-impregnated lightweight aggregates for geopolymer composites made from aluminosilicate rich mud and milled glass powder
Autor: Kastiukas, Gediminas
Zhou, Xiangming
Gomes, João Castro
Palavras-chave: Technology - Materials science - Construction materials
Data: 2016
Resumo: Macro-encapsulated aggregates (ME-LWAs) consisting of expanded clay lightweight aggregates (LWAs) impregnated with a paraffin wax phase change material (PCM) was produced. To fully exploit the thermal energy retaining properties of PCM, it is fundamental to retain as much of the PCM as possible within the pores of the LWA. This paper investigates 3 different commercial materials to create a total of 14 different coating regimes to determine the most efficient coating method and material regarding its ability at retaining the PCM. The ME-LWAs are then further used as aggregates in geopolymer binders made from a combination of aluminosilicate rich mud and waste glass. Physical properties such as thermal conduc- tivity and mechanical strength are determined for the geopolymer binder with and without the addition of the ME-LWA. A polyester resin was determined to be the most suitable choice of coating material for the ME-LWA, producing a practically leak-proof coating. The ME-LWA was also determined to be chem- ically neutral, showed a 42% higher thermal conductivity than the LWA in their raw state and maintained a latent heat of 57.93 J/g before and after being used in the geopolymer binder. Carbon fibres and graphite spray were used to improve the thermal conductivity of the resin coating, however no significant increase was detected. Finally, the compressive strength and thermal conductivity results achieved are acceptable for applications in buildings for enhancement of their energy efficiency.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/4147
DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.02.029
ISSN: 09500618
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