Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7005
Título: Knowledge creation and knowledge transfer: an perspective under the KIBS vision for evaluating the innovative capacity
Outros títulos: Criação de conhecimento e transferência de conhecimento: uma perspectiva sob a visão de kibs para avaliar a capacidade inovativa
Autor: Figueiredo, Ronnie
Neto, Júlio Vieira
Ferreira, João
Quelhas, Osvaldo Luiz Gonçalves
Lima, Gilson Brito Alves
Palavras-chave: KIBS
Knowledge Creation
Knowledge Transfer
Data: 2019
Citação: J-Figueiredo, R., Ferreira, J., Vieira,J.., Quelhas, O. K. G. (2019). Knowledge creation and knowledge transfer: an perspective under the KIBS vision for evaluating the innovative capacity, Informação & Informação, 24 (1), 300-325
Resumo: Introduction: The knowledge creation and knowledge transfer constitute the field of interdisciplinary nature whose scientific configuration has been consolidating in the international scope from its relation with the Knowledge Intensive Business Services – KIBS. Objective: Explain how the elements of a conceptual model based on KIBS (Knowledge Intensive Business Services) can be applied in an integrated way to assess the innovative capacity of firms in the service sector. Metodology: The building of the model is based on a bibliometric analysis of the central theme KIBS, in the databases Scopus and ISI Web of Knowledge (Web of Science). Results: In this study, it can be seen that during the seventeen years of research, the authors did not investigate the relationship between KIBS and the evaluation of the innovative capacity of firms in the service sector. Conclusion: The greater concentration of the analyzed papers investigates the attributes and roles of KIBS for innovation. It's an opportunity to assess the innovative capacity of KIBS in the service sector
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/7005
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5433/1981-8920.2019v24n1p300
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ICI - NECE | Documentos por Auto-Depósito

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