Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9451
Título: Characteristics of the dietary consumption of patients with probable dementia of alzheimer type, at different stages: Observational study in a public outpatient clinic in São Paulo, Brazil
Autor: Vieira, Neusa Maria de Andrade
Pinto, Nuno
Patto, Maria Da Assunção Vaz
Bertolucci, Paulo Henrique Ferreira
Pivi, Glaucia Akiko Kamikado
Palavras-chave: Dietary
S. Paulo
Alzheimer’s disease
Nutrition fiber
Intestinal function
Data: 2019
Resumo: Purpose:to verify the correlation of the ingested diet with the nutritional status of Alzheimer disease (AD) patients; observation of fiber and fluid consumption and intestinal function. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 77 patients of both genders and their caregivers who were referred to nutritional status care in the three phases (CDR) of the AD. All answered the food anamnesis where it was possible to establish the amount of calories, macronutrients and micronutrients. Anthropometric measurements of weight, height, BMI, AC, TSF and AMC were collected.For the continuous variables, a descriptive statistical analysis was performed and for the analytical statistic the Poisson regression was used. Results:Most of the patients were eutrophic. The studied macronutrients were found to be adequate, except for the protein intake that was higher in the mild phase. No group achieved fiber intake. It was not found significant correlations between fiber consumption and intestinal function. In relation to micronutrients, adequate consumption of iron, vitamins A and B12 were found. Vitamin C intake did not reach DRI in mild patients and zinc consumption was low for patients who belonged to the group with moderated patients. Conclusions:Although it does not reflect the nutritional reality of Brazilian patients with probable AD, this study provided important characteristics of the diet composition that already allow us to establish nutritional action strategies.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10400.6/9451
DOI: 10.15761/NPC.1000201
Aparece nas colecções:FCS - DCM | Documentos por Auto-Depósito
ICI - CICS | Documentos por Auto-Depósito

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