Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10451/11543
Título: Going abroad to do science: mobility trends and motivations of Portuguese researchers
Autor: Delicado, Ana
Data: 2010
Editora: Finnish Society for Science and Technology Studies
Citação: Delicado, A. (2010). Going abroad to do science: mobility trends and motivations of Portuguese researchers. Science Studies, 23(2), 36-59
Resumo: This paper addresses the issue of scientific mobility from the standpoint of a departure country, Portugal. The analysis is focused on the conditions and motivations for leaving the home country, the choices made regarding host countries and institutions and the constraints and opportunities that bear weight on the decision to return. Mobility decisions are examined in light of the interplay between structural conditions (the global and national science and technology systems), career paths and personal choices. Differences in attitudes, perceptions and behaviours of mobile scientists by gender, age, year of migration, career status and scientific disciplines are taken into consideration. This research is mainly based on a survey of Portuguese researchers abroad.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10451/11543
Versão do Editor: http://www.sciencestudies.fi/v23n2DelicadoPDF
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