Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10451/35112
Título: Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstruction of the Middle to Late Pleistocene sequence of Scladina Cave (Namur, Belgium) using the small-mammal assemblages
Autor: López-García, Juan Manuel
Blain, Hugues-Alexandre
Cordy, Jean-Marie
Pirson, Stéphane
Abrams, Grégory
Di Modica, Kévin
Bonjean, Dominique
Palavras-chave: Small mammals
Environmental and climatic reconstruction
Late Middle-Late Pleistocene
Southern Belgium
Data: 2017
Editora: Taylor & Francis
Citação: López-García, J. M., Blain, H.-A., Cordy, J.-M., Pirson, S., Abrams, G., Di Modica, K., & Bonjean, D. (2017). Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstruction of the Middle to Late Pleistocene sequence of Scladina Cave (Namur, Belgium) using the small-mammal assemblages. Historical Biology, 29(8) 1125-1142. doi: 10.1080/08912963.2017.1288229
Resumo: The habitat weighting, the bioclimatic model methods and the Simpson diversity index are applied to the small-mammals assemblage of Scladina Cave (border between High and Middle Belgium) in order to reconstruct the environmental and climatic fluctuations that are reflected on the Middle to Late Pleistocene sequence of the cave. The small-mammal data analyzed come from two surveys carried out at the entrance of the cave and allow us to identify within the section one cold episode: a dry, cool phase in the upper part of the sequence (probably associated with the MIS 3). The environmental and climatic data show an alternation of open meadows and woodland formations through both sequences, punctuated by peaks in local watery environments together with lower temperatures and higher precipitations rates than at present. Finally, a comparison of the small-mammal fossil assemblage from the studied surveys with the small-mammals assemblage from the Holocene deposits of Scladina Cave shows that layers related with MIS 5 temperate sub-stages (MIS 5c and MIS 5a) present environmental characteristics similar to those prevailing nowadays (a landscape dominated by woodland formations and water streams) in the area surrounding the cave. This is coherent with the available chronostratigraphic datasets on this part of the sequence, suggesting the record of the humid and temperate phases at the beginning of the Late Pleistocene.
Peer review: yes
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10451/35112
DOI: 10.1080/08912963.2017.1288229
ISSN: 0891-2963
Versão do Editor: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/08912963.2017.1288229
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