Utilize este identificador para referenciar este registo: http://hdl.handle.net/10451/37576
Título: Tangibilidade virtual : estratégias de Design Aplicadas ao Comércio Eletrónico
Autor: Franco, Ana Isabel Viveiros
Orientador: Parreira, Suzana
Palavras-chave: Design
Design de interação
Data de Defesa: 18-Jan-2019
Resumo: This research aims to identify the design strategies used by e-commerce websites with respect to the virtual tangibility of products and also to understand how the elements present in website product pages can have a persuasive impact on the consumer’s decision-making process. E-commerce is an expanding sector, mainly due to the democratisation of Internet use, however, there are still factores that hinder the adoption of this means of purchase by consumers. From the literature review on this subject it was possible to verify that one of the disadvantages mentioned often by consumers when it comes to online shopping was the need to sensorially perceive an object in this scenario. Virtual tangibility is defined as a factor that compensates for the lack of sensory experience during the online purchase process, being a means of persuasion that brings a “physical” dimension to products in this context. Several e-commerce websites were analyzed through an exploratory case study, in order to determine what strategies and design elements in the product pages could relate to virtual tangibility. An analysis model that defines and categorizes these elements was developed which was subsequently applied to the case sample and the results indicate that several of the strategies observed are present in all analyzed cases, although there are some specific elements to certain product categories. Some of these strategies relate to the visual representation of products (mainly in their context of use), detailed information in descriptions and other consumers’ opinions on products. It is concluded that the importance given to each type of element varies according to the product category of the e-commerce websites, so it is advisable to customize the elements applied during the design process of the product pages, in regards to the physical characteristics of the products and their context of use. Considering the exploratory nature of this study, the tangibility strategies presented may be relevant in structuring guidelines for the design process of e-commerce websites. These guidelines may include a survey of the most relevant characteristics for each product and must take into account the products’ type and logical approach to be applied accordingly
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10451/37576
Designação: Tese de mestrado, Design de Comunicação e Novos Media, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artes, 2019
Aparece nas colecções:FBA - Dissertações de Mestrado

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