Linnaaiandus kui sotsiaalne praktika: Tartu noorte näitel
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Linnastunud ühiskonnas on inimesed kaugenenud toiduhankimisel loodusest ja hääbumas
on teadmised, kuidas jõuab toit lauale ja kuidas seda ise kasvatada. Samas on tekkinud
aktiivsed kogukonnad, kes innustavad inimesi väärtustama toitu ja seda ise linna
tingimustes kasvatama. Noorte meelestatust linnas toidu kasvatamise osas ei ole varem
uuritud. Magistritöö eesmärgiks on uurida Tartu linna noorte toidukasvatamise võimalusi
ja tähendusi (saadavaid hüvesid), et selgitada viise toidukasvatamise elavdamiseks.
Töö ühendab maastikuarhitektuuri lähenemise ja sotsioloogilise teooria sotsiaalsetest
praktikatest. Uuring on läbi viidud üheksa süvaintervjuu põhjal Tartus elavate 21-29-
aastaste noorte hulgas. Intervjuudes said vastajad kirjeldada, mida tähendab neile
linnaaiandus, millised on nende võimalused, oskused ja ühiskondlikud hoiakud seoses
toidukasvatamisega. Tulemusi analüüsides selgus uudsena, et noored peavad
linnaaianduse hüvedeks uusi maitse-elamusi, võimalust taimede eest hoolitseda, tunda
rõõmu nende arengust ja kujundada enesekuvandit esitledes oma töö vilju sotsiaalmeedias
või külalistele. Selgus, et noored hindavad võimalust alal hoida traditsioone, oskust ise
toitu kasvatada ja seda edaspidi ka oma lastele õpetada. Uuring tõdeb, et linnaaiandusega
tegelemise suurimaks takistuseks on noortel ajapuudus ja ruumikitsikus, mõnel juhul ka
kaaselanike negatiivne suhtumine aiandusettevõtmistesse.
Töö näitab vajadust tagada linnaplaneerimisel maa-alad, sealhulgas rendipinnad
aiandusega tegelemiseks, luua võimalusi soetada soodsalt tarvikuid, arendada ja alal hoida
noorte aiandusoskuseid koostöös kogenumate praktiseerijatega, ja kujundada aiandust
soosivat ühiskondlikku kuvandit, kasutades näiteks sotsiaalmeedia kanaleid. Uuring
panustab hääbuvate jätkusuutlike praktikate mõistmisesse ja alal hoidmisesse. Töö annab
aluse kvantitatiivse küsitlusuuringu koostamiseks, et mõista linnaaianduse praktikaid
erinevates sotsiaalsetes gruppides, teistes linnades ja maades.
In urbanised societies, people are estranged from the process of acquiring food and the knowledge on how food is grown and gets onto our dinner table is becoming rare. At the same time, communities working on promoting the value of food and possibilities to grow it in the urban context have become more active. Young people’s attitudes to urban gardening is an understudied field of research. The aim of the Master’s thesis is to study the possibilities, the related meanings and services gained from urban gardening by an example of youth in Tartu, to clarify the ways in which urban gardening could be enlivened. The study combines the approaches of landscape architecture and sociological theory of social practices. The study is based on 9 in-depth interviews carried out among 21-29- year-olds. Interviewees gave their accounts on urban gardening, their material possibilities, skills and societal attitudes related to gardening. Analysis results bring out innovatively that young individuals consider novel gourmand experiences, opportunities to take care of the plants and appreciate their development as well as to create self-image by presenting the outcomes of their work in social media or to guests, as important services offered by urban gardening. The interviewed youth value the possibilities to keep up the traditions and skills of growing food and to be able to give these skills over to their children. The study shows that the busy time schedules, the lack of space, and in some cases, the negative attitudes of co-habitants are important impediments of urban gardening initiatives. The study indicates the significance of granting rental spaces for gardening through urban planning, creating opportunities to purchase affordable amenities, developing and keeping up the skills of gardening in collaboration with experienced practitioners, and promoting a positive societal image of urban gardening by presenting success stories in social media. The study contributes to better understanding and keeping up the nearly extinct sustainable social practices. The study forms a foundation for conducting a quantitative survey study to understand the urban gardening practices in different societal groups, cities and countries.
In urbanised societies, people are estranged from the process of acquiring food and the knowledge on how food is grown and gets onto our dinner table is becoming rare. At the same time, communities working on promoting the value of food and possibilities to grow it in the urban context have become more active. Young people’s attitudes to urban gardening is an understudied field of research. The aim of the Master’s thesis is to study the possibilities, the related meanings and services gained from urban gardening by an example of youth in Tartu, to clarify the ways in which urban gardening could be enlivened. The study combines the approaches of landscape architecture and sociological theory of social practices. The study is based on 9 in-depth interviews carried out among 21-29- year-olds. Interviewees gave their accounts on urban gardening, their material possibilities, skills and societal attitudes related to gardening. Analysis results bring out innovatively that young individuals consider novel gourmand experiences, opportunities to take care of the plants and appreciate their development as well as to create self-image by presenting the outcomes of their work in social media or to guests, as important services offered by urban gardening. The interviewed youth value the possibilities to keep up the traditions and skills of growing food and to be able to give these skills over to their children. The study shows that the busy time schedules, the lack of space, and in some cases, the negative attitudes of co-habitants are important impediments of urban gardening initiatives. The study indicates the significance of granting rental spaces for gardening through urban planning, creating opportunities to purchase affordable amenities, developing and keeping up the skills of gardening in collaboration with experienced practitioners, and promoting a positive societal image of urban gardening by presenting success stories in social media. The study contributes to better understanding and keeping up the nearly extinct sustainable social practices. The study forms a foundation for conducting a quantitative survey study to understand the urban gardening practices in different societal groups, cities and countries.
Maastikuarhitektuuri õppekaval
magistritööd, koduaiandus, köögiviljandus