From the Kitchen to the Streets: the Feminist Counterculture

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Amaya Macías, María del Carmen
O'Connor, Maurice Frank
Filología Francesa e InglesaAbstract
Our project examines countercultural production related to women and feminist movements. The Bell Jar and The Group will be analyzed in search of discourses in favor of the liberation of women and we will point out how they represent the modern woman. The texts we have selected for this work been all but ignored in previous criticism of the counterculture movement, despite the fact that they were best-sellers in their day. Nevertheless, they foresaw the advent of the feminist movements at the end of the 60s as we shall demonstrate. Nuestro trabajo examinará la producción contracultural en relación a la mujer y el movimiento feminista. Analizaremos La campana de cristal y El grupo a la luz de los discursos de liberación femenina y trataremos la representación de la mujer moderna. Estos textos pasaron desapercibidos en cierta medida por la crítica de la contracultura, pese a su éxito de ventas. Sin embargo, son precursores del movimiento feminista de finales de la década de 1960, como demostraremos.