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Título: Probing the Role of Atomic Defects in Photocatalytic Systems through Photoinduced Enhanced Raman Scattering
Autores/as: Glass, Daniel
Quesada Cabrera, Raúl 
Bardey, Steven
Promdet, Premrudee
Sapienza, Riccardo
Keller, Valérie
Maier, Stefan A.
Caps, Valérie
Parkin, Ivan P.
Cortés, Emiliano 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2210 Química física
Fecha de publicación: 2021
Publicación seriada: ACS Energy Letters 
Resumen: Even in ultralow quantities, oxygen vacancies (VO) drastically impact key properties of metal oxide semiconductors, such as charge transport, surface adsorption, and reactivity, playing central roles in functional materials performance. Current methods used to investigate VO often rely on specialized instrumentation under far from ideal reaction conditions. Hence, the influence of VO generated in situ during catalytic processes has yet to be probed. In this work, we assess in situ extrinsic surface VO formation and lifetime under photocatalytic conditions which we compare to photocatalytic performance. We show for the first time that lifetimes of in situ generated atomic VO play more significant roles in catalysis than their concentration, with strong correlations between longer-lived VO and higher photocatalytic activity. Our results indicate that enhanced photocatalytic efficiency correlates with goldilocks VO concentrations, where VO densities must be just right to encourage carrier transport while avoiding charge carrier trapping.
ISSN: 2380-8195
DOI: 10.1021/acsenergylett.1c01772
Fuente: ACS Energy Letters [EISSN 2380-8195], v. 6, p. 4273-4281, (Enero 2021)
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