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Título: Impact of a Mediterranean diet, physical activity, body composition, and insulin delivery methods on metabolic control in children with type 1 diabetes
Autores/as: Novoa Medina,Yeray
Pérez Lemes, Alicia
Suárez Ramírez, Nerea
Barreiro-Bautista, Marta
Fabelo Gómez, Himar Antonio
López-López, Sara
Quinteiro, Sofia
Domínguez, Angela
León, Marta
González, María A.
Caballero, Elisabeth
Wägner, Anna Maria Claudia
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Palabras clave: Body Composition
Nonpharmacological, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2024
Publicación seriada: Frontiers In Nutrition 
Resumen: Aims: To evaluate the synergistic impact of diet, lifestyle and technology on glycemic control in children with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Methods: This cross-sectional study included 112 randomly selected patients with T1D from Gran Canaria (median age 12 years; 51.8% female). The study collected data on height, weight, body composition (bioimpedance), age, disease duration, and method of insulin delivery. Physical activity was evaluated using the Krece questionnaire and an accelerometer (GENEActiv). Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was assessed using the KIDMED Quick Nutrition Test. Glycemic control was evaluated using HbA1c and the percentage of time in range. SPSS version 21 and RStudio were used for statistical analysis of the data. Stepwise linear regression analysis (backwards) was used to identify factors independently associated with metabolic control. Results: Insulin pump use, age and adherence to the Mediterranean diet were found to be significantly and independently associated with better glycemic control, whereas years with T1D was associated with worse HbA1c values. No relationship was found between body composition and physical activity measured by accelerometry or questionnaire. Conclusion: Adherence to the Mediterranean diet, insulin delivery methods, age, and number of years with T1D are important factors to consider in the management of T1D in children.
ISSN: 2296-861X
DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2023.1338601
Fuente: Frontiers in Nutrition[EISSN 2296-861X],v. 10, (Enero 2024)
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