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Título: Nickel-copper electroforming process applied to rotational mould starting from additive manufacturing
Autores/as: Monzón, M. D.
Diaz, N.
Ortega, Z.
Paz, R.
Ortega, F.
Benítez, A. N.
Clasificación UNESCO: 331212 Ensayo de materiales
330309 Operaciones electroquímicas
Palabras clave: Electroforming
Additive manufacturing
Rotational moulding, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2016
Editor/a: 0020-2967
Publicación seriada: Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing 
Resumen: This paper focuses on the development of a more energy-efficient mould for rotational moulding of plastic parts where the tool is made by electroforming of two materials (Ni–Cu), starting from a model of additive manufacturing. Studies on the poor adhesion between nickel and copper layer have not been previously carried out. The paper presents the entire design process of the mould, the electroforming process and activation procedures, and the mould testing under real conditions, comparing it with a conventional CNC machined aluminium mould. Also presented is an experimental study of different treatments of electroformed Ni substrate to provide good adherence for the electroforming of Cu. The best treatment (nitric acid) was applied to a mould for rotational moulding. The main findings of the work are a viable approach for good adherence between Ni and Cu, the advantage of additive manufacturing and electroforming as well as the standardisation of such innovative tooling in rotational moulding.
ISSN: 0020-2967
DOI: 10.1080/00202967.2016.1161882
Fuente: Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing[ISSN 0020-2967],v. 94, p. 120-126
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