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Título: | Multiobjective optimization using analytical models of GaAs high-speed digital circuits |
Autores/as: | Gómez, L. Hernández Ballester, Antonio Nunez, A. |
Clasificación UNESCO: | 3307 Tecnología electrónica |
Palabras clave: | VLSI Power Estimation CAD GaAs DCFL/SDCFL Optimization |
Fecha de publicación: | 1993 |
Editor/a: | 0165-6074 |
Publicación seriada: | Microprocessing and Microprogramming |
Resumen: | This work addresses the problem of analytical multiobjective optimization of combinational DCFL/SDCFL GaAs MESFETs IC. The critical path is determined by means of the GASTIM timing analyzer. The optimization strategy takes into account the slope dependency, the fan-out and the wiring capacitances. The results show that it is possible to decrease the power consumption without degrading the propagation delay. We are not aware of any automatic tool able to solve the optimization task when designing circuits on GaAs material. |
URI: | |
ISSN: | 0165-6074 |
DOI: | 10.1016/0165-6074(93)90103-R |
Fuente: | Microprocessing and Microprogramming[ISSN 0165-6074],v. 39, p. 267-270 |
Colección: | Artículos |
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