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Title: A study on women beneficiaries of National Rural Health Mission with special reference to Barwani district of Madhya Pradesh
Researcher: Mathew, C P
Guide(s): Injodey, Joseph I
Keywords: Accredited Social Health Activist
National Rural Health Mission
Village panchayat
Women beneficiaries
University: CHRIST University
Completed Date: 16/05/2016
Abstract: Regardless of several growth-orientated policies implemented by the government, the widening economic, regional and gender disparities are posing challenges for the health sector. The health status of Indians, especially women is still a cause for serious concern, especially that of the rural population. The National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched by Government of India with a view to bring about dramatic improvement in the health system and health status of the people, especially those living in rural areas. The study aimed to understand the knowledge level of women beneficiaries on NRHM related services. The study further focussed on understanding the extent of availability and accessibility, challenges faced and the benefits received by women. The research work was carried out in three Village Panchayats of Barwani district in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Multi stage sampling method was adopted to select the sample group for the study. The study was conducted among 278 women beneficiciaries of NRHM. The researcher used 120 item semi structured and validated interview schedule for collecting the data. The study results show that there is a need to strengthen the grass root level interventions in terms of strengthening the sub-centres and involvement of Gram Panchayat in fulfilling the health mission objectives of the country. test indicated significant association between Caste and electricity at home and Knowledge about NRHM among women. The Correlation between the knowledge scores and benefits scores was significant (r = .705, Pgt.001). The study suggests having effective monitoring and evaluation mechanisms at all levels with clearly designed indicators and means of verification to ensure the success of the programme. newline
Appears in Departments:Department of Social Work

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