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Title: Synthesis Characterization and Antibacterial Study of co doped copper oxide nanoparticles
Researcher: Anu
Guide(s): Dr. Naveen Thakur
Keywords: Physical Sciences
Physics Applied
University: Career Point University
Completed Date: 2021
Abstract: Nanomaterials have unique physical and chemical properties. Among all newlinenanomaterials, metal oxide nanoparticles have special characteristics. The transition metals newlineoxides belong to an important class of semiconductors which have scientific and industrial newlineapplications such as magnetic storage media, solar energy transformation, electronics and newlinecatalysis. Among transition metal oxides, CuO is of special interest. It is p-type newlinesemiconductor compound having a monoclinic structure. CuO is the simplest member of the newlinefamily of copper compounds and shows useful physical and chemical properties. Doping on newlineCuO NPs modified their structural and morphological properties remarkably. In this research newlineproject, synthesis, characterization and antibacterial study of co-doped CuO NPs have been newlinefocused. One of the main reasons for considering doped CuO NPs problem is the observation newlinethat these particles have wide range of applications especially in medical field. newlineKeeping in view all above factors, the research work on CuO NPs and co-doped newline[(Ag, Ni), (Ag, Co), (Ag, Zn) and (Ag, Fe)] CuO NPs with different concentrations of Ni, Co, newlineZn, Fe and at a fixed concentration of Ag is carried out.
Appears in Departments:Department of Physics

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