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Title: Cyber crimes against women in India a socio legal study
Researcher: Dasvinder Singh
Guide(s): Paul, Meenu
Keywords: Cybercrimes
Information Technology
University: Panjab University
Completed Date: 2024
Abstract: This research examines cyber crimes against women in India. In this country, women have been accorded the status of goddesses. However, as a result of the modernisation of society, their fundamental rights have been trampled. The sector of information technology in India is experiencing rapid development. Due to the extensive usage of computer technology, there has been an uptick in cybercrime. Further, the majority of victims of crimes committed online are female. The Information Technology Act along with other laws is being used to prevent crimes of this nature but the law will not be particularly successful on its own until the patriarchal set-up of society changes and there is early education about gender sensitisation. newline
Pagination: xiv, 255p.
Appears in Departments:Department of Law

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