The Psammichnites-Taphrhelminthopsis conundrum: implications for calibrating the Cambrian explosion
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Earth-Science Reviews, 227 (2022); doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.103971
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Financial support for this study was provided by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grants 311727-15/20, and 311726–13 and 422931-20 awarded to MGM and LAB, respectively. MGM thanks additional funding by the George J. McLeod Enhancement Chair in Geology. RBM’s involvement is a contribution to the Western Arctic Research Area of the Geological Survey of Canada’s GEM-GeoNorth Program (NRCan contribution 20210382). SJ acknowledges funding from the Spanish ‘Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad’ grant CGL 2017- 87631-P. LP and JCG-R thank Sociedad Pública de Gestión y Promoción Turística y Cultural del Principado de Asturias.
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