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Title: Bioaccessibility of lipophilic and hydrophilic marine biotoxins in seafood: an in vitro digestion approach
Author: Alves, Ricardo N.
Rambla-Alegre, Maria
Braga, Ana Catarina
Maulvault, Ana L.
Barbosa, Vera
Campàs, Mònica
Reverté, Laia
Flores, Cintia
Caixach, Josep
Kilcoyne, Jane
Costa, Pedro Reis
Diogène, Jorge
Marques, António
Keywords: Seafood
Okadaic acid
Domoic acid
PSP toxins
Issue Date: Jul-2019
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: This study aimed to assess the bioaccessibility of different marine biotoxins in naturally contaminated shellfish and fish gonads using an in vitro digestion methodology. In general, hydrophilic toxins (domoic acid, paralytic shellfish poisoning toxins and tetrodotoxins) showed higher bioaccessibility than lipophilic ones (okadaic acid and azaspiracids). The bioaccessibility of toxins from the okadaic acid group ranged from 69% (raw European razor clams) to 74% (raw donax clams). Regarding azaspiracids, 47% of the initial content was bioaccessible in steamed blue mussel. As for hydrophilic toxins, 100% of the initial content was bioaccessible after digestion in raw shellfish and puffer fish gonads. The total tetrodotoxin bioaccessibility in puffer fish gonads decreased significantly after steaming. The profile of tetrodotoxins changed during the digestion process: TTX and 11-norTTX-6S-ol analogues decreased significantly after digestion, but the 5,6,11-trideoxy TTX analogue increased in both raw and steamed puffer fish gonads. These preliminary findings confirm the need to consider bioaccessibility data in future seafood risk assessment, as such information enables a more accurate and realistic estimation of potential seafood hazards, particularly in what concerns lipophilic toxins, therefore, constituting a crucial tool in the refinement of regulatory limits for the presence of biotoxins in seafood.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.fct.2019.04.041
ISSN: 0278-6915
Appears in Collections:CESAM - Artigos
DBio - Artigos

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