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Title: TMS application in both health and disease
Author: Castelhano, Joao Miguel
Carvalho, Sandra
Keywords: TMS
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Issue Date: 4-Jan-2023
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
Abstract: Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can be useful for therapeutic purposes for a variety of clinical conditions. Numerous studies have indicated the potential of this noninvasive brain stimulation technique to recover brain function and to study physiological mechanisms. Following this line, the articles contemplated in this Research Topic show that this field of knowledge is rapidly expanding and considerable advances have been made in the last few years. There are clinical protocols already approved for Depression (and anxiety comorbid with major depressive disorder), Obsessive compulsive Disorder (OCD), migraine headache with aura, and smoking cessation treatment but many studies are concentrating their efforts on extending its application to other diseases, e.g., as a treatment adjuvant. In this Research Topic we have the example of using TMS for pain, post-stroke depression, or smoking cessation, but other diseases/injuries of the central nervous system need attention (e.g., tinnitus or the surprising epilepsy). Further, the potential of TMS in health is being explored, in particular regarding memory enhancement or the mapping of motor control regions, which might also have implications for several diseases. TMS is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that can be used for modulating brain activation or to study connectivity between brain regions. It has proven efficacy against neurological and neuropsychiatric illnesses but the response to this stimulation is still highly variable. Research works devoted to studying the response variability to TMS, as well as large-scale studies demonstrating its efficacy in different sub-populations, are therefore of utmost importance. In this editorial, we summarize the main findings and viewpoints detailed within each of the 12 contributing articles using TMS for health and/or disease applications.
DOI: 10.3389/978-2-83251-349-1
Appears in Collections:DEP - Livro

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