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Title: Analysis of potential risk factors for multidrug-resistance at a burn unit
Author: Cabral, Luís
Rodrigues, Leonor
Tavares, Ana Helena
Tomé, Gonçalo
Caetano, Marisa
Chaves, Catarina
Afreixo, Vera
Keywords: Multidrug-resistant bacteria
Risk factors
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: Background: Infections by multidrug-resistant (MDR) microorganisms are associated with increased morbidity and mortality in burn patients. This study aimed to analyze the evolution of MDR bacteria over a five-year period at Coimbra Burns Unit (CBU) in Portugal, seeking to assess the possible associations of specific bacteria with presumed risk factors. Methods: The data obtained consisted of identified bacteria present in any microbiological sample from each patient (including blood, central venous catheter, urine, tracheal aspirate and/or wound exudate). Univariate models and a multivariate model were constructed for each of the MDR bacteria species that infected at least 50 patients or that had five or more MDR strains. Statistical hypothesis tests with a p-value less than 0.05 were considered significant. Results: Of a total of 341 samples obtained, 107 were MDR, corresponding to 10 species. Globally, there was no significant variation in MDR bacteria frequency over the period under analysis. Some risk factors and/or trends were identified for some species, but none was linked to all of them. Conclusions: The risks for the development of MDR in bacteria in burn patients are multifactorial, mainly linked to longer hospital stays, the use of invasive devices and inadequate antimicrobial treatment. However, the influence of these risks regarding specific bacterial species is not straightforward and may rely on individual characteristics, type of treatment and/or local prevalent flora. Due to the severity of multidrug-resistant infections, continued microbiological surveillance with the aid of rapid diagnostic tests and prompt institution of appropriate antimicrobial therapy are crucial to improving outcomes for burn patients.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/ebj4010002
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Artigos
ESTGA - Artigos
PSG - Artigos

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