A low-dimensional model of binocular rivalry using winnerless competition
Ashwin, Peter; Lavric, Aureliu
Date: 24 June 2009
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
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We discuss a novel minimal model for binocular rivalry (and more generally perceptual dominance) effects. The model has only three state variables, but nonetheless exhibits a wide range of input and noise-dependent switching. The model has two reciprocally inhibiting input variables that represent perceptual processes active during the ...
We discuss a novel minimal model for binocular rivalry (and more generally perceptual dominance) effects. The model has only three state variables, but nonetheless exhibits a wide range of input and noise-dependent switching. The model has two reciprocally inhibiting input variables that represent perceptual processes active during the recognition of one of the two possible states and a third variable that represents the perceived output. Sensory inputs only affect the input variables. We observe, for rivalry-inducing inputs, the appearance of winnerless competition in the perceptual system. This gives rise to a behaviour that conforms to well-known principles describing binocular rivalry (the Levelt propositions, in particular proposition IV: monotonic response of residence time as a function of image contrast) down to very low levels of stimulus intensity.
Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy
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