Recyclability potential of asphalt mixes containing reclaimed asphalt pavement and industrial by-products
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Rodríguez Fernández, Israel; Lastra González, Pedro

Attribution 4.0 International
Publicado en
Construction and Building Materials
Volume 195, 20 January 2019, Pages 148-155
Elsevier Ltd
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The aim of this study was the evaluation and validation of the recyclability potential of asphalt mixturesthat incorporate high proportions of by-products (electric arc furnace slag and foundry sand) andreclaimed asphalt pavement in their composition. In a first stage, the performance of these asphalt mixeswas assessed using mechanical tests such as Marshall, water sensitivity, wheel tracking, stiffness andresistance to fatigue. Then, the samples underwent thermal aging treatment in order to be used asRAP in the manufacturing of new samples. Two rejuvenators were studied to check their effectivenessfor the purpose of achieving this aim. Finally, the mechanical performance of these new mixes was eval-uated. The results demonstrated a suitable technical performance and a good recyclability of the asphaltmixes used to replace practically all conventional aggregates. However, appropriate design and evalua-tion of the mixes is required, assessing the binder properties and the mechanical performance of theasphalt mix as well as evaluating its fatigue performance.
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- D09 Artículos [439]