The Story Art and Tech

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Virginia Tech


The Story Art and Tech merges storytelling and technology together to elucidate the animated filmmaking process for readers who are interested in animation. The author's path to animation director is traced from beginning to end starting with writing ideas and moving on to forming storyboards and animatics to completing animations for the screen. Two 3D short animated films and three storyboards with animatics are presented.

A storyboard primarily shows the audience the thought process of storytelling; it previsualizes a script or an idea. It is then narrated into moving images called animatics; a preliminary version of a film. Animatics are important references for animators to animate shots and characters. Eventually the rest of the animation pipeline makes it into a final product: an animated film.

As an artist who writes stories and animates them with 3D technology, presenting how a storyboard is made into an animated film is the most immediate way to inform the audience of this process with entertaining stories.

In this paper, an extended discussion of the author's creative thought and development processes are presented with two distinct parts: storytelling and technology.



art, storyboard, story writing, story telling, story art, animation, film, cinematography, 3D, narrative language, action, drama, comedy

