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Las proveedoras en el trabajo de cuidados a la tercera edad. Un estudio de caso desde la economía feminista, en la comarca de la Vega Baja del Segura (Alicante)

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Título :
Las proveedoras en el trabajo de cuidados a la tercera edad. Un estudio de caso desde la economía feminista, en la comarca de la Vega Baja del Segura (Alicante)
Autor :
Sánchez Martín, Ana I.
Aznar Márquez, Juana
Departamentos de la UMH::Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Fecha de publicación:
Resumen :
La presente tesis parte de la reflexión sobre el aspecto más importante para las personas, el cuidado de la vida, como sostenimiento del desarrollo económico y social. El envejecimiento de la población es un fenómeno creciente en el Estado español. A lo largo de nuestra vida todas las personas nece...  Ver más
The present thesis is a reflection on the most important aspect for today’s society, the care of life, as the basis for economic and social development. The aging of the population is a growing phenomenon in the Spanish state. Throughout our lives, we all need, to a greater or lesser degree, our own and others' care. But it is especially in the first years of our life and when we reach an old age when we most need care, since care is an indispensable condition for one's own subsistence. Even though care is essential for the development and sustenance of life, it has become invisible over time. The devaluation of domestic work as a result of the sexual division of labour and the allocation of women to perform within the household (including care) has led to the latter not being considered a social responsibility, but a private matter, with scarce value and less social recognition. The relegation of care to the private sphere has led women to be placed in the background of a large part of the modern economies, which are not reflected in the official statistics and are not the focus of attention for representative agents used in the Economic models that are subsequently used for economic policy decision‐making processes. The fact is that economic science has not been left out of the patriarchal paradigm. Men interacting in the public sphere are the ones in charge of the decisions of production leading them to have access to their jobs, free of family responsibilities so that their availability for the company is total. The day‐to‐day duties associated with running the home, as well as the tasks associated in taking care of the family is left in the hands of another person (a woman) who has traditionally taken care of all these tasks, leaving men full availability for their jobs and their hobbies. The relegation of care to the private sphere involves leaving it to women and this female responsibility has become one of the keys to inequality between women and men. The overload of unpaid work undertaken by women limits their available time in the short and medium term to generate income‐generating activities, which negatively affects their employability and access to quality jobs. This limits their economic self‐sufficiency and it also impacts their long‐term pensions, affecting both their present and their future. Consequently, it also limits their free time. The difficulty and complexity involved in the quantification and measurement in monetary terms of all aspects that are encompassed when we speak of unpaid care work can be explained using two components: one material and the other "immaterial" or emotional, the latter being difficult to measure and quantify. However, the fact that we are able to make an approximation to its quantification and valuation allows us to visualize the importance of immaterial or emotional factors and set a significant value to them. The objective of this thesis is to understand the population above 65 years residing in the Vega Baja Segura River (Alicante) approaching and understanding to their needs of care by what we call the ´providers of care services`, in other words: companies, institutions or people who have paid or unpaid jobs involving care. Put differently, we want to identify the needs of the demand for care and on the other hand which agents constitute the offer and the services offered. The providers of care services are: Public institutions (i.e. Councils and Generalitat Valenciana), private companies offering healthcare services (i.e. Day Centers, Residences etc.), people hired directly, associations and non‐profit organisations and families. In order to understand what care is available, I personally carried out interviews with representatives of public institutions and caregivers, as well as a survey that has been carried out at a street level in the 27 municipalities of Vega Baja to understand the degree of involvement with activities of unpaid care by men and women of legal age. It can be concluded that the process of aging of the population is more important in the region of the Vega Baja if we compare it with the national total. However, the care needs of the elderly population continue to be mainly for families, and specifically for women, a situation that is accentuated as the size of the population we are studying is reduced. The number of available places in residences are not sufficient for the people who need them and the prices are not affordable for someone with an average retirement pension (even less for a widow) or a family with an average income. Day centers and break day centers give the families a margin of maneuver, but they are not enough. Associations, especially those which involve the bringing together of people with a particular disease and/or their families, play a significant role in supporting and are highly valued. Private companies that provide care offer the possibility of hiring a person for hours or internally. The advantage in the case of the carer being ill, is that the person cared for is not left unattended and the company will search for a replacement so families can organise their times more efficiently. However, the hiring of individuals remains the simplest and most common form of relationship between the parties. In short, we can conclude that we live in a society where there is an important aging of the population (and this trend will become more acute in the coming years). Women have been progressively incorporated into the paid labour market however, there has been no real redistribution of family responsibilities between men and women, causing tensions within the household. If women can no longer take care of the elderly in a full‐time schedule, just like the traditional role of women in Mediterranean families where “someone" would have to do so. That "someone" may be hired, but you need to have sufficient financial resources to be able to cope with the costs, alternatively it could also be carried out by a public institution. We cannot forget by way of example, that the services provided by the Councils are not free, even though they do not demand payment. These are paid with the taxes paid by the citizens, converting it in one way or another t a public matter. Whether it is through the hiring of a person (directly or through a company) through the work of non‐profit associations and institutions or the public sector itself or the opportunity costs of unpaid work at home Families, the clear conclusion to this thesis, is that getting older is expensive in terms of both time and economic resources.
Palabras clave/Materias:
Tercera Edad
Área de conocimiento :
CDU: Ciencias sociales: Etnología. Etnografía. Usos y costumbres. Tradiciones. Folklore
Tipo de documento :
Derechos de acceso:
Aparece en las colecciones:
Tesis doctorales - Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

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