Ghost Cities of Estonia

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Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury
The study on the topic of the ghost cities of Estonia draws a sad picture of certain mining and industrial settlements. The first chapter of the project includes historical and theoretical research about the ghost effect in places which were filled with mono functions. Before the USSR collapse economical and social chains of these communes were integrated in the system of the very close relationships with its center. At the same time there were no proposed long-term strategies on how cities can work and survive after the resource depletion. It brought towns and villages like Viivikonna to the point where the skeleton of the settlement still exists but its population is close to zero. Additionally this problem continued with the wave of the outflow of young people to large cities. The second and main chapter was to choose one of the ghost villages which still has some inhabitants. It was important to understand how we can make these places more livable for them and how it can work with the new points of attraction. In some aspects it could bring fresh public and financial interest to the area and open new work places for locals. Analyzing some examples of the different spots around Europe, there were determined certain healing tools which helped to warm up the interest among visitors at these areas. As a major thing for the reboot process there was chosen a cultural function. With the five steps program there was proposed a way how we can rebuild this area and involve it in the new processes with neighboring cities.
The study on the topic of the ghost cities of Estonia draws a sad picture of certain mining and industrial settlements. The first chapter of the project includes historical and theoretical research about the ghost effect in places which were filled with mono functions. Before the USSR collapse economical and social chains of these communes were integrated in the system of the very close relationships with its center. At the same time there were no proposed long-term strategies on how cities can work and survive after the resource depletion. It brought towns and villages like Viivikonna to the point where the skeleton of the settlement still exists but its population is close to zero. Additionally this problem continued with the wave of the outflow of young people to large cities. The second and main chapter was to choose one of the ghost villages which still has some inhabitants. It was important to understand how we can make these places more livable for them and how it can work with the new points of attraction. In some aspects it could bring fresh public and financial interest to the area and open new work places for locals. Analyzing some examples of the different spots around Europe, there were determined certain healing tools which helped to warm up the interest among visitors at these areas. As a major thing for the reboot process there was chosen a cultural function. With the five steps program there was proposed a way how we can rebuild this area and involve it in the new processes with neighboring cities.
AKINDINOV, N. Ghost Cities of Estonia [online]. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta architektury. 2023.
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doc. Ing. arch. Jiří Palacký, Ph.D. (předseda) doc. Ing. arch. Nina Bartošová, Ph.D. (člen) Ing. arch. Jan Foretník, Ph.D. (člen) Ing. arch. Soňa Velková, Ph.D. (člen) Ing. Petr Suchánek, Ph.D. (člen) Mag. arch. Oleksii Bykov (člen)
Date of acceptance
The student introduces his project Ghost Cities in Estonia. He starts with historical coincidences of settling up Estonia and the problem of shrinking cities. Then he introduces his approach to the solution for restarting these settlements. In the end of his presentation, he shows a concrete project for the Viivikonna. After reading the opponents review the students gives additional explanations and answers the questions in the review. After reading the supervisors review the student answers the questions and the discussion starts. The history of mining and pollution of the spot is discussed. The phases and economic context of the restart solution are discussed. Possibilities of widening of the chosen solution to other similar settlements in Estonia is asked and answered by the student. The architectural solution (the intended lack of the iconicity) of the solution is explained by student. The lack of description of the mining is asked. The diploma thesis was successfully defended, and the committee gives evaluation.
Result of defence
práce byla úspěšně obhájena
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Standardní licenční smlouva - přístup k plnému textu bez omezení
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