Metody studia změn krajiny

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Fakulta pedagogická, Katedra geografie


Landscape changes are subjects of study of landscape science, landscape ecology and geoecology. The landscape invariant is defined as the starting point of landscape changes research. The invariant is represented by the stable landscape features: natural (primary) structure - its spatial vertical and horizontal aspects, functional blocks and time consequence of processes, functional (secondary) structure: land use pattern, human (tertiary) structure (social features and interests), and spiritual (quaternary) structure (psychological acceptance of landscape). Temporary changes produced by autoregulative (cyclic) processes are without any invariant changes, while the evolutionary processes change the invariant. Both classes of invariant changes characterize natural and cultural landscapes. Research methods of landscape changes are classified from many viewpoints. The accuracy criteria for land use changes detection are presented. In conclusion, the recent problems of landscape research in Czech Republic are discussed.



změny krajiny, struktury krajiny


Miscellanea Geographica: Universitatis Bohemiae Occidentalis. 2007, č. 13, s. 75-90.
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