Texture Mapping of Images with Arbitrary Contours

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Václav Skala - Union Agency


Decaling is an intuitive paradigm for texture mapping in an analogy of attaching stickers on an object in the real world. This paradigm enables an artist to put decals directly on a 3D model after interactive manipulations such as modifying their positions, scales and orientations. In this paper, we present a novel method for multipleconstrained decaling. Given a region inside a texture together with a set of feature points in the region and a 3D model, our problem is to map the texture region onto the surface of the model in an intuitive manner, while satisfying the constrained imposed by a user-specified correspondence between a set of feature points in the region and the surface. We propose a solution for this problem. Our approach iteratively determines a portion of the mesh representing the surface while accordingly refining its parameterization, guided by the feature point correspondence.



mapování textur, parametrizace, modelování mnohoúhelníků


Journal of WSCG. 2013, vol. 21, no. 3, p. 193-204.
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