Title: Intonation in English and Czech dialogues
Vyd. 1.
Place of publication
Masarykova univerzita
Year of publication
119 s. :
- Opera Universitatis Masarykianae Brunensis, Facultas philosophica = Spisy Masarykovy univerzity v Brně, Filozofická fakulta, 1211-3034; č. 365
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/103726
Link to MU library catalogue: 545641
- The focus of this study is a comparison of intonation in English and Czech conversation in regard to the length of the tone unit, the position of the nucleus in a tone unit, the word class functions of nucleus bearers, the FSP functions of nucleus bearers, and the pitch patterns of nuclei. These phenomena were examined in a corpus of parallel English and Czech dialogues - one pair of scripted and one pair of non-scripted (i.e. natural, unprepared) texts. The study concentrated on differences between English and Czech conversation, but it also examined some differences between scripted and non-scripted conversation across languages. The book cotains concise introductions into the theory of functional sentence perspective and the prososdic analysis of spoken language.
Subject keywords
Subject headings
Department FF MU
License: Not specified license
Rights holder
Masarykova univerzita – Filozofická fakulta
CHAMONIKOLASOVÁ, Jana. Intonation in English and Czech dialogues. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2007. ISBN 9788021044685. Dostupné také z: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/103726.
Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Preface | 7 Chamonikolasová, Jana |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Acknowledgements | 8 Chamonikolasová, Jana |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Abbreviations | 9 Chamonikolasová, Jana |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
1 | | Intonation and prosodic systems | 11–23 Chamonikolasová, Jana |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
2 | | The role of intonation in functional sentence perspective | 24–37 Chamonikolasová, Jana |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
3 | | Analysis of English and Czech intonation | 38–45 Chamonikolasová, Jana |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
4 | | Comparison of English and Czech intonation | 46–72 Chamonikolasová, Jana |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
5 | | Summary | 73–75 Chamonikolasová, Jana |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
References | 76–79 Chamonikolasová, Jana |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Appendix | 80–118 Chamonikolasová, Jana |
Chapter number | Title | Custom text |
Index | 119 Chamonikolasová, Jana |