Title: Karagem valley. A rock art site in the Russian Altai
Variant title:
- Skalní umění v údolí řeky Karagem v ruském Altaji
Source document: Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. M, Řada archeologická. 2007-2008, vol. 56-57, iss. M12-13, pp. [69]-88
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/113727
Type: Article
Summary language
License: Not specified license
ČERMÁKOVÁ, Eva. Karagem valley. A rock art site in the Russian Altai. Online. Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity. M, Řada archeologická. 2007-2008, roč. 56-57, č. M12-13, s. [69]-88. ISSN 1211-6327. Dostupné z: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/113727. [cit. 2025-03-13].
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In this paper I would like to present a piece of Altaic prehistory which has left its traces in the rocks of the wild landscape of the southern Siberian Mountains. The starting point will be a rock art location in the Karagem valley. Its carvings and possible meaning will be studied in detail. Next I am trying to discuss the place from a landscape perspective. This study is a result from the expedition "Altai 2003", organized by the University of Tomáš Baťa in Zlín (Department of Palaeoecology), which took place in June and July 2003. The rock art investigation was just one of several tasks of the expedition, since the main focus was rather ecological, botanical and geological investigation of the south Altai region.