"Hovadí a věci bezdušné" ve službách barokního kazatele

Title: "Hovadí a věci bezdušné" ve službách barokního kazatele
Variant title:
  • Beasts and spiritless objects in baroque preaching
Source document: Bohemica litteraria. 2009, vol. 12, iss. 1-2, pp. [17]-31
  • ISSN
    1213-2144 (print)
    2336-4394 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The present study deals with symbolism and imagery as a whole in Czech Baroque sermons. It is based on the assumption that a symbol is a very influential component - if not the basic one - of homiletic texts. Symbols provide the text not only with mental profundity and argumentative value but also with literary values. Symbols are studied in a number of examples taken from the basic and the most popular themes - animals and plants (especially flowers); the study focuses on literary elements which are considered as stimulating from the literary and imagery aspects. Symbols of animals and plants were often used by preachers mainly due to their simplicity, trans-parency, tradition and a broad range of possible meanings. The meanings of symbols are either based on the Bible or they come from classical literature and mythology; if this is the case, the symbol is again re-modified by the Bible. Thus there was a strong impression on the listeners/readers. The study deals with the synthesis of images and tendencies in the use of symbols in Baroque sermons. One of the suggested conclusions can be that preachers respected (to a certain extent) a traditional perception of symbols, yet they adjusted them according to their art and preferences, as well as according to the listeners' requirements and their perception.
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