Algumas observações sobre o futuro do modo conjuntivo

Title: Algumas observações sobre o futuro do modo conjuntivo
Source document: Études romanes de Brno. 2009, vol. 30, iss. 1, pp. [211]-223
  • ISSN
    1803-7399 (print)
    2336-4416 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The Portuguese uses future subjunctive (futuro do conjuntivo) in subordinate clauses to express a condition that must be fulfilled in the future, or is assumed to be fulfilled, before an event can happen. As the other Romance languages don't know or don't regularly use this form of subjunctive, the author aims to find its equivalents in Spanish and French in various syntactic contexts. The main purpose is to specify the position of the future subjunctive within the Portuguese verbal system. If we imagine that the future subjunctive dissapears from the Portuguese verbal system and gets replaced by the most convenient tense for each context, no significant semanthic changes could be noticed in the vaste majority of cases. It could be easily substituted by the present subjunctive in conditional, concessive and partially also adverbial and relative clauses. However, the future subjunctive has different - more factual and definit - meaning than the present subjunctive in some specific adverbial and relative clauses. It means that these clauses admit both sunjunctive tenses in Portuguese but with slightly different semanthic meanings. This difference doesn't have equivalent in the other Romance languagues. In general, the use of subjuntive forms in Portuguese can be seen as an important formal indicator of the semanthic value of certain syntactical constructions: the verb in the indicative mood means the sentence has a repetitive value (Modus Ponens) whereas the verb in the subjunctive mood expresses an eventuality in the future. In this perspective the Portuguese also has an exceptional position within the Romance language area. Spanish and French don't seem to use the formal indicator or at least in the contexts we have seen.
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