Направления семантического развития генетически родственных слов (на примере цветообозначений в русском и чешском языках)

Title: Направления семантического развития генетически родственных слов (на примере цветообозначений в русском и чешском языках)
Transliterated title
Napravlenija semantičeskogo razvitija genetičeski rodstvennych slov (na primere cvetooboznačenij v russkom i češskom jazykach)
Variant title:
  • The trend of the semantic development of the genetically related words (exemplified by the colour denotation)
Source document: Новая русистика. 2010, vol. 3, iss. 1, pp. [45]-54
  • ISSN
    1803-4950 (print)
    2336-4564 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The comparison of Russian and Czech genetically related colour naming adjectives that have common Slavonic roots reveals the following functional and semantic mechanisms: a) semantic development of words is generally the same – from colour meaning to derived non-colour meanings (желтый – žlutý, зеленый – zelený, черный – černý, белый – bílý); b) a word in one language preserves hte initialnon-colour meaning (krásný), and in another language it acquires new meanings – colour and non-colour (красный); c) genetically related words have a different number of meanings which is shown in the narrowing of the initial combinability of Russian words (червонный and гнедой) or in their dropping out from the active vocabulary (рудый/рудой) with constant widening of the corresponding Czech word (červený, rudý, hnědý).
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