Filozofie mezistátního uznání a její globální limity

Title: Filozofie mezistátního uznání a její globální limity
Variant title:
  • Philosophy of inter-state recognition and its global limits
Author: Hrubec, Marek
Source document: Studia philosophica. 2012, vol. 59, iss. 1, pp. [4]-26
  • ISSN
    1803-7445 (print)
    2336-453X (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

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The paper deals with a conception of international order and its limits in the transnational and global context from the point of view of a theory of social and political recognition. It concentrates especially on the conception developed by Axel Honneth. It is a reconstruction as well as an interpretation of the conception, showing the possibilities and limitations of its application on transnational and global levels. First, the paper analyses Honneth's arguments concerning moral realism and international recognition. It discusses the need of international recognition as related to the political and cultural recognitions. Then, it shows the insufficiencies of the conception of international recognition on the background of globalization on one hand and the individual/society relationship on the other. The following part of the paper deals with problems of a transposition of patterns of recognition from the national level to international and transnational levels, and explains limits of arguments developed by V. Heinz, T. Pogge and A. Wendt. In mapping the tendencies to transnational and global recognitions, the paper focuses on the important transitory phenomenon of extraterritorial recognition. It also articulates arguments how a theory of recognition can be developed on transnational and global levels.