Smyčcové kvartety Jana Nováka

Title: Smyčcové kvartety Jana Nováka
Variant title:
  • String quartets by Jan Novák
Author: Flašar, Martin
Source document: Musicologica Brunensia. 2012, vol. 47, iss. 2, pp. [17]-22
  • ISSN
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
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String quartets by Jan Novák (1921–1984) as a whole has not yet been processed either practically or theoretically. This year, Ištvan Quartet decided to make a complete recording. This event gave us the opportunity to completely overlook and analyze the available scores, which were previously owned by the family of the composer. These are compositions created in large span of composer's life in years 1945–1978. Some cycles are apparently closed (String Quartet of 1946, Three inventions for string quartet, Quadricinium Fidium) for certain we are not sure of their finality (String Quartet "Jiří Trnka", The two-movement string quartet). In general, we can state use of rational (neoclassical) style with elements of jazz and in quartets created in the 60s years, the use of serial techniques. In the late period there is a distinguishable influence of Leoš Janáček's string quartets.
[1] Flašar, Martin. Martinů nebo Janáček? Janáčkovské aluze v tvorbě Jana Nováka. In 30. ročník muzikologické konference Janáčkiana 2010 "Moravsko-slovenské folklorní inspirace v české a slovenské hudbě (Janáček, Novák, Martinů a jejich následovníci)". Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita - Pedagogická fakulta, 2010. 8 s. ISBN 978-80-7368-576-8.

[2] Klusák, Jan. Invence neboli cesta k formě. Opus musicum, roč. 3., 1971, č. 9–10, s. 297–299.

[3] Novák, Jan. Tři invence pro smyčcové kvarteto. Rukopis. Nedatováno. [1960–68]. Uloženo v rodinném archivu.

[4] Novák, Jan. Smyčcový kvartet. Rukopis. 1946. Uloženo v rodinném archivu.

[5] Novák, Jan. Dvouvětý smyčcový kvartet. Rukopis. Nedatováno. Uloženo v rodinném archivu.

[6] Novák, Jan. Smyčcový kvartet "Jiří Trnka". Rukopis. 1962–64. Uloženo v rodinném archivu.

[7] Novák, Jan. Quadricinium fidium I. Rukopis. 1977. Uloženo v rodinném archivu.