Čapkův anglický nakladatel

Title: Čapkův anglický nakladatel
Variant title:
  • Čapek's English publisher
Source document: Bohemica litteraria. 2016, vol. 19, iss. 1, pp. 107-123
  • ISSN
    1213-2144 (print)
    2336-4394 (online)
Type: Article
License: Not specified license

Notice: These citations are automatically created and might not follow citation rules properly.

This study describes how Karel Čapek's books were being prepared in British publishing house Allen and Unwin. The research focuses on Stanley Unwin, its director, and his role in the process from the late 1920s until late 1960s. After the publisher is introduced, the main phases of the publishing process are reconstructed on the basis of the correspondence from the Allen and Unwin archive. In comparison with other publishing houses (Oxford University Press, Geoffrey Bles) the high standards of Unwin's publishing house stand out. Unwin's admiration of Čapek's works also strengthened the collaboration and in fact made him also Čapek's agent and advocate – which can be seen as a result and at the same time one of the causes of Karel Čapek's popularity abroad. This text can also serve as an example of how publishing history was shaped by real people more than by circumstances.
[1] ČAPEK, Karel, 1984. Hordubal, Povětroň, Obyčejný život (Praha: Československý spisovatel)

[2] ČAPEK, Karel, 1993. Korespondence (Praha: Český spisovatel)

[3] ČAPEK, Karel, 2000. Přijatá korespondence (Praha: Lidové noviny)

[4] UNWIN, Stanley, 1941. "K. Č."; in Karel Čapek: The Cheat. A novel (London: Allen and Unwin), s. 171–172

[5] UNWIN, Stanley, 1946. On Translations with Some Notes on "Our Universal Language" (London: Allen and Unwin)

[6] UNWIN, Stanley, 1960. The Truth about a Publisher (London: Allen and Unwin)



[9] AUC 754/1, Letters between George Allen &Unwin Ltd and correspondents whose names begin DO–DQ – P. C. Dobell, 1957.

[10] AUC 102/4, Letters to and from R. Weatherall, 1940.

[11] AUC 112/3, Letters to and from Julius Fürth, 1941.

[12] AUC 1188/10, Allen & Unwin 1967 letters file WE–WER – M. Weatherallová.

[13] AUC 127/11, Allen & Unwin 1941 letters file WE–WER – M. Weatherallová.

[14] AUC 137/10, Letters to and from Julius Fürth, 1942.

[15] AUC 164/16, Letters to and from Julius Fürth, 1943.

[16] AUC 166/14, Letters to and from A.M. Heath & Co., 1943.

[17] AUC 181/8, Allen & Unwin 1943 letters file WE–WER – M. a R. Weatherallovi.

[18] AUC 208/13, Allen &Unwin 1944 letters file WE–WG – M. Weatherallová.

[19] AUC 238/7, Allen &Unwin 1945 letters file SC–SD – K. Scheinpflug.

[20] AUC 243/6, Allen &Unwin 1945 letters file WE–WER – M. a R. Weatherallovi.

[21] AUC 277/10, Letters to and from Karel Scheinpflug, 1946.

[22] AUC 30/3, Letters to and from Authors’ Syndicate Ltd., 1932.

[23] AUC 321/5, Letters to and from Karel Scheinpflug, 1947.

[24] AUC 328/2, Letters to and from M. Weatherall, 1947.

[25] AUC 34/5, Letters to and from R. Weatherall, 1932.

[26] AUC 347/14, Allen & Unwin 1948 letters file FI-FN – V. Fischl.

[27] AUC 36/11, Letters to and from Henry Holt & Co., 1933.

[28] AUC 372/10, Letters to and from Dora Round, 1948.

[29] AUC 373/9, Letters to and from Karel Scheinpflug, 1948.

[30] AUC 424/1, Allen &Unwin 1949 letters file SC-SCH – K. Scheinpflug.

[31] AUC 43/22, Letters to and from Dora Round, 1932.

[32] AUC 430/12, Allen & Unwin 1949 letters file WE-WER – M. Weatherallová.

[33] AUC 432/12, Letters to and from A. A. WynnInc., 1949.

[34] AUC 433/4, Allen &Unwin 1950 letters file AD-AH – The Controller General Administration of Enemy Property Dept.

[35] AUC 449/18, Allen &Unwin 1950 letters file FI-FK – J. Firt.

[36] ČAPEK, Thomas – ČAPEK VOSTROVSKÝ, Anna, 1918. A Bohemian (Čech) Bibliography. A Finding List of Writings in English Relating to Bohemia and the Čechs (New York – London: Fleming H. Revell)

[37] DENNISTON, Robin, 2008. "Unwin, Sir Stanley (1884–1968)"; Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/36614, přístup 15. 10. 2016

[38] FEATHER, John, 2006. A History of British Publishing (London: Routledge)

[39] HOLMAN, Valerie, 2008. Print for victory. Book publishing in Britain 1939–1945 (London: British Library)

[40] MĚDÍLEK, Boris, 1990. Bibliografie Karla Čapka. Soupis jeho díla (Praha: Academia)

[41] SIR STANLEY UNVIN LI. D., 1954. Sir Stanley Unwin Li. D. Tributes from Some of His Friends (London: Allen and Unwin)

[42] STEVENSON, Iain, 2010. Book Makers. British Publishing in the Twentieth Century (London: British Library Board)

[43] VOČADLO, Otakar, 1975. Anglické listy Karla Čapka (Praha: Academia)

[44] VOČADLO, Otakar, 1933. "Anglický překladatel z češtiny"; Přítomnost 10, č. 24, s. 384.