Title: John Toland a jeho Křesťanství bez mystérií
Source document: Pro-Fil. 2016, vol. 17, iss. 2, pp. [30]-41
Stable URL (handle): https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/136278
Type: Article
License: Not specified license
ČÍŽEK, Jan; LOCHMANOVÁ, Kateřina; MICHLOVÁ, Barbora; RATHOUZSKÁ, Lucie; JENYŠ, Martin et al. John Toland a jeho Křesťanství bez mystérií. Online. Pro-Fil. 2016, roč. 17, č. 2, s. [30]-41. ISSN 1212-9097 (online). Dostupné z: https://hdl.handle.net/11222.digilib/136278. [cit. 2025-03-14].
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Text John Toland a jeho Křesťanství bez mystérií sestává ze dvou provázaných částí. První část představuje stručné biografické pojednání o Johnu Tolandovi (1670–1722), v němž se mimo jiné snažíme předložit obecný úvod do jeho myšlení. Druhá část pak nabízí první český překlad předmluvy k Tolandovu nejznámějšímu spisu Christianity not Mysterious (1696), který je považován za základní impulz deistické diskuze na Britských ostrovech.
The text John Toland and His Christianity not Mysterious consists of two interconnected parts. The first part represents a brief biographical essay on John Toland (1670–1722), in which we also try to present a general introduction to Toland's thought. The second part presents the first Czech translation of the Preface to Toland's most famous treatise Christianity not Mysterious (1696) which is regarded as the main stimulus to the Deist discussion on the British Isles.
Úvodní studie a překlad předmluvy ke spisu Christianity not Mysterious vznikly v rámci Překladatelského semináře odborného textu realizovaného na Katedře filozofie FF Ostravské univerzity v letním semestru ak. roku 2015/2016. Na studii a překladu pracoval autorský kolektiv Jan Čížek – Kateřina Lochmanová – Barbora Michlová – Lucie Rathouzská – Martin Jenyš – Tomáš Šmiřák.
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[2] Berman, D. (1997): The Irish Freethinker, in McGuinness, P. – Harrison, A. – Kearney R. (eds.) John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious: Texts, Associated Works and Critical Essays, Lilliput Press, 223–230.
[3] Brown, M. (2012): A Political Biography of John Toland, Pickering & Chatto.
[4] Clarke, D. M. (1997): Toland on Faith and Reason, in McGuinness, P. – Harrison, A. – Kearney R. (eds.) John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious: Texts, Associated Works and Critical Essays, Lilliput Press, 293–302.
[5] Diderot, D. – D'Alembert, J. (1751): Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers. Tome premier, Briasson.
[6] Kearney, R. (1997): John Toland: An Irish Philosopher?, in McGuinness, P. – Harrison, A. – Kearney R. (eds.) John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious: Texts, Associated Works and Critical Essays, Lilliput Press, 207–222.
[7] McGuinness, P. – Harrison, A. – Kearney R. (1997): John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious: Texts, Associated Works and Critical Essays, Lilliput Press.
[8] McGuinness, P. (1997): Christianity not Mysterious and the Enlightenment, in McGuinness, P. – Harrison, A. – Kearney R. (eds.) John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious: Texts, Associated Works and Critical Essays, Lilliput Press, 231–242.
[9] Minois, G. (2011): Traktát o třech podvodnících, Volvox Globator.
[10] Sullivan, R. (1982): John Toland and the Deist Controversy, Harvard University Press.
[11] Toland, J. (1696): Christianity not Mysterious, Printed for Sam. Buckley at the Dolphin over against St. Dunstans church in Fleetstreet.
[12] Toland, J. – Desmaizeaux, P. (1726): A Collection of Several Pieces of Mr. John Toland: Now Just Published from his Original Manuscripts, with Some Memoirs of his Life and Writings, Printed for J. Peele.
[2] Berman, D. (1997): The Irish Freethinker, in McGuinness, P. – Harrison, A. – Kearney R. (eds.) John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious: Texts, Associated Works and Critical Essays, Lilliput Press, 223–230.
[3] Brown, M. (2012): A Political Biography of John Toland, Pickering & Chatto.
[4] Clarke, D. M. (1997): Toland on Faith and Reason, in McGuinness, P. – Harrison, A. – Kearney R. (eds.) John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious: Texts, Associated Works and Critical Essays, Lilliput Press, 293–302.
[5] Diderot, D. – D'Alembert, J. (1751): Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers. Tome premier, Briasson.
[6] Kearney, R. (1997): John Toland: An Irish Philosopher?, in McGuinness, P. – Harrison, A. – Kearney R. (eds.) John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious: Texts, Associated Works and Critical Essays, Lilliput Press, 207–222.
[7] McGuinness, P. – Harrison, A. – Kearney R. (1997): John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious: Texts, Associated Works and Critical Essays, Lilliput Press.
[8] McGuinness, P. (1997): Christianity not Mysterious and the Enlightenment, in McGuinness, P. – Harrison, A. – Kearney R. (eds.) John Toland's Christianity Not Mysterious: Texts, Associated Works and Critical Essays, Lilliput Press, 231–242.
[9] Minois, G. (2011): Traktát o třech podvodnících, Volvox Globator.
[10] Sullivan, R. (1982): John Toland and the Deist Controversy, Harvard University Press.
[11] Toland, J. (1696): Christianity not Mysterious, Printed for Sam. Buckley at the Dolphin over against St. Dunstans church in Fleetstreet.
[12] Toland, J. – Desmaizeaux, P. (1726): A Collection of Several Pieces of Mr. John Toland: Now Just Published from his Original Manuscripts, with Some Memoirs of his Life and Writings, Printed for J. Peele.