Persius und die ältere Arria : inhaltliche und textkritische Überlegungen zu Suetons Vita Persi

Title: Persius und die ältere Arria : inhaltliche und textkritische Überlegungen zu Suetons Vita Persi
Variant title:
  • Persius and the elder Arria : reflections on the content and text of Suetonius' Vita Persi
Author: Ullrich, Heiko
Source document: Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2022, vol. 27, iss. 1, pp. 119-130
  • ISSN
    1803-7402 (print)
    2336-4424 (online)
Type: Article
ULLRICH, Heiko. Persius und die ältere Arria: inhaltliche und textkritische Überlegungen zu Suetons Vita Persi. Online. Graeco-Latina Brunensia. 2022, roč. 27, č. 1, s. 119-130. ISSN 1803-7402 (print). Dostupné z: [cit. 2025-03-28].

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In Suetonius' Vita Persi, the poet's pietas erga matrem et sororem et amitam is mentioned; as Persius bequeathed his property to his mother and sister but not to his aunt, Markus Stachon has argued that his act of pietas erga amitam might be the also mentioned pauci in socrum Thraseae uersus and that therefore the elder Arria might have been the amita of Persius. As this is highly improbable mainly because of the fact – as Stachon himself admits – that the sister of Persius' father is most likely to be named not Arria but Persia, this article proposes another explanation of the Vita's proposition that the younger (Caecinia) Arria was a cognata of Persius by arguing that Persius' grandmother may have belonged to the Volterran gens Caecinia and that she could have been the sister of Aulus Caecina Paetus, the younger Arria's father. Persius's pauci in socrum Thrasea uersus may therefore have differed from Pliny's account, which rather makes a fool of the elder Arria's husband, the cognatus of Persius. Martial, who praises Arria in one of his epigrams (1,13) as a chaste and loving wife (casta) but not – as Pliny does – as superior to her husband's bravery, might therefore be closer to Persius' pauci uersus than Pliny.
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