Efecto del sombreado en vívero en el crecimiento y mortalidad de plántulas
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Se evaluó la influencia de tres niveles de sombreado en el crecimiento y mortalidad de plántulas de regeneración natural de palosangre, mediante un ensayo monitoreado durante un período de seis meses. Se construyeron tres módulos de sombreado con malla polisombra al 25%, 45% y 75% de cobertura, creando ambientes lumínicos contrastantes con el fin de simular tres posibles estados sucesionales del bosque: claro pequeño, dosel semiabierto y dorel cerrado, respectivamente. Se encontró para el estado de plántula una mayor elongación en altura y un mayor aumento del área foliar en el nivel de sombreado al 75%, con la más favorable acumulación de biomasa con tasas de sobrevivencia del 100%. El nivel de sombreado al 25% mostró características desfavorables para la sobrevivencia de plántulas debido a una mayor abscisión de hojas, lo que disminuye las tasas de reposición foliar. En su estado natural, estos bajos índices pueden impedir que la plántula sobreviva a condiciones de estrés, por ejemplo la entrada de un período climático seco, donde se logró demostrar una disminución del número de hojas producidas.
The influence of three shade levels was evaluated in the growth and mortality of seedlings of natural regeneration of palosangre, by means of a rehearsal evaluated during a period of six months. Three sha4e modules were built respectively with mesh polisombra to 25%, 45% and 75%, creating contrasting light atmospheres, simulating three possible successional states of the forest: clear small, canopy open semi and closed canopy. It was for the seedling state, a bigger elongation in height and a bigger increase of the area to foliate in the shady level to 75%, being in general the most favorable for the accumulation of biomass and where rates of survival were very high. The shady leve) to 25% showed characteristic unfavorable for the seedlings survival, due to a bigger abcission leayes, what diminishes the reinstatement rates natúrally to foliate. In their natural state, these index first floor can prevent that the seedling survives stress conditions; for example, at the entrance of a dry climatic period where it was possible to demonstrate a decreasing number of produced leaves.
The influence of three shade levels was evaluated in the growth and mortality of seedlings of natural regeneration of palosangre, by means of a rehearsal evaluated during a period of six months. Three sha4e modules were built respectively with mesh polisombra to 25%, 45% and 75%, creating contrasting light atmospheres, simulating three possible successional states of the forest: clear small, canopy open semi and closed canopy. It was for the seedling state, a bigger elongation in height and a bigger increase of the area to foliate in the shady level to 75%, being in general the most favorable for the accumulation of biomass and where rates of survival were very high. The shady leve) to 25% showed characteristic unfavorable for the seedlings survival, due to a bigger abcission leayes, what diminishes the reinstatement rates natúrally to foliate. In their natural state, these index first floor can prevent that the seedling survives stress conditions; for example, at the entrance of a dry climatic period where it was possible to demonstrate a decreasing number of produced leaves.
Palabras clave
Brosimun rubescens, Taub, shady, seedlings, seedlings bank, nursery, growth, survival, behavior to foliate., Brosimum rubescens Taub., shady, seedlings, seedlings bank, nursery, growth, survival, behavior to fóliate., Brosimum rubescens Taub., Sombreado, plántulas, vivero, crecimiento, sobrevivencia, comportamiento foliar, Brosimum rubescens Taub., Sombreado, plántulas, vivero, crecimiento, sobrevivencia, comportamiento foliar.