Determinación de polos de generación distribuida a partir de biomasa residual agrícola en la región Madre de Dios, Perú
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Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas. Colombia
Contexto: la región Madre de Dios, Perú, se encuentra condicionada por la forma del asentamiento disperso de sus poblaciones. Esta configuración limita el acceso de la energía a centros poblados rurales, que se encuentra en 69% en la población rural; por ello, esta investigación tuvo como objetivo principal la determinación de polos de generación distribuida a partir de biomasa residual agrícola en la región de Madre de Dios.Método: mediante un esquema metodológico de cuatro fases, se analizó la cobertura eléctrica de la región Madre de Dios y se priorizaron centros poblados rurales con mayor posibilidad de energización; posteriormente, se determinó la cantidad de biomasa residual agrícola de los cultivos mayoritarios en la región y su localización geográfica. Seguidamente, se analizaron las opciones tecnológicas de aprovechamiento energético disponibles; por último, se estimó la cantidad de energía aprovechable de la biomasa residual agrícola.Resultados: se determinaron cinco centros poblados rurales priorizados en Madre de Dios para la energización. En cuanto a la biomasa residual agrícola, ésta se estimó en 6645.08 ton/año para arroz, 5191.20 ton/año para maíz amarillo duro y 7862.37 ton/año para plátano, los tres cultivos mayoritarios en la región. Se estimó que, para el aprovechamiento de cascarilla de arroz, el rango de generación de energía varía de 838.86 a 1319.23 KWh/año mediante gasificadores de lecho móvil, y de 317.99 a 897.56 KWh/año para gasificadores de lecho fluidizado, con lo cual se cubriría la demanda energética de los centros poblados rurales priorizados, que asciende a 211.9 MWh/año.Conclusiones: la región de Madre de Dios cuenta con potencial de generación de energía eléctrica distribuida que puede cubrir la demanda de los cinco centros poblados priorizados al 100%. Asimismo, la energía generada en la región Madre de Dios mediante lecho fluidizado podría atender la demanda de 1495 habitantes aproximadamente, mientras que mediante lecho móvil se cubriría la demanda de 3945 habitantes aproximadamente.
Context: The region Madre de Dios is located in Peru and is conditioned by the dispersed way in which the people establish settlements. This configuration limits the access these rural settlements have to energy (currently, the rural electrification only reaches 31%). Thus, this investigation focuses on determining distributed energy poles through the use of residual biomass in Madre de Dios region.Method: Through a methodological scheme of four phases, the electric coverage in Madre de Dios was analyzed and the rural settlements with better energization chances were prioritized. Next, the amount of agricultural biomass waste of major crops in Madre de Dios was determined and geographically located; then, the technological options of energetic harnessing were analyzed. Finally, the amount of agricultural biomass waste that can be used for energy was estimated.Results: Five rural settlements were prioritized in Madre de Dios for the possible process of providing energy. The agricultural biomass waste was estimated in 6,645.08 ton/year for rice; 5,191.20 ton/year for yellow corn; and 7,862.37 ton/year for banana. These are the three major crops in the region. For rice husk located in productive areas, the energy was estimated to vary between 838.86 KWh/year and 1,319.23 KWh/year through the use of mobile bed gasifiers; and it varies from 317.99 KWh/year to 897.56 KWh/year for fluidized bed gasifiers, which meets the energetic demand of the prioritized rural settlements (211.9 MWh/year). Conclusions: The region of Madre de Dios has potential for generating distributed energy, which could meets the demand of five prioritized rural settlements up to 100%. Likewise, using fluidized bed gasifiers, the energy generated in Madre de Dios could meet the demand of 1495 inhabitants, approximately; and by using of mobile bed gasifiers, the coverage could amount to 3945 inhabitants.
Context: The region Madre de Dios is located in Peru and is conditioned by the dispersed way in which the people establish settlements. This configuration limits the access these rural settlements have to energy (currently, the rural electrification only reaches 31%). Thus, this investigation focuses on determining distributed energy poles through the use of residual biomass in Madre de Dios region.Method: Through a methodological scheme of four phases, the electric coverage in Madre de Dios was analyzed and the rural settlements with better energization chances were prioritized. Next, the amount of agricultural biomass waste of major crops in Madre de Dios was determined and geographically located; then, the technological options of energetic harnessing were analyzed. Finally, the amount of agricultural biomass waste that can be used for energy was estimated.Results: Five rural settlements were prioritized in Madre de Dios for the possible process of providing energy. The agricultural biomass waste was estimated in 6,645.08 ton/year for rice; 5,191.20 ton/year for yellow corn; and 7,862.37 ton/year for banana. These are the three major crops in the region. For rice husk located in productive areas, the energy was estimated to vary between 838.86 KWh/year and 1,319.23 KWh/year through the use of mobile bed gasifiers; and it varies from 317.99 KWh/year to 897.56 KWh/year for fluidized bed gasifiers, which meets the energetic demand of the prioritized rural settlements (211.9 MWh/year). Conclusions: The region of Madre de Dios has potential for generating distributed energy, which could meets the demand of five prioritized rural settlements up to 100%. Likewise, using fluidized bed gasifiers, the energy generated in Madre de Dios could meet the demand of 1495 inhabitants, approximately; and by using of mobile bed gasifiers, the coverage could amount to 3945 inhabitants.
Palabras clave
biomass, distributed generation, Madre de Dios, Peru, rural develpment, rural electricity, Biomasa, desarrollo rural, electrificación rural, generación distribuida, Madre de Dios, Perú