Percepción de los estudiantes frente al desarrollo de la conciencia léxica a través del uso de juegos de palabras
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The importance of english in the actual world carries us to conduct this study which was based on the question: What are the effects of implementing word games as a vocabulary learning strategy in order to develop lexical awareness in EFL session? With the purpose to observe how the students perceived the strategy to implement word games in EFL sessions in order to develop their lexical awareness and promote the acquisition of new vocabulary. This project had three main constructs which were word games, vocabulary acquisition and lexical awareness which combined with the cooperative learning approach structured our implementation. The implementation was carried out in a public school in Bogota city with students of six grade, during one and a half month and consisted on using word games in our EFL sessions to practice the new vocabulary explained previously through visual aids. The outcomes of this implementation allowed us to determine that word games is an innovative learning strategy that contribute with the students learning process not only developing their lexical awareness and facilitating their vocabulary acquisition process but also promoting their cooperation principles during the EFL sessions, at the end of this study there are some aspects that we consider are important to taking into account in further research with the purpose to improve the outcomes.