Implementación del Sistema Integrado de Gestión en Medio Ambiente, seguridad y salud en el trabajo, bajo los lineamientos de las normas ISO 14001:2004 y OHSAS 18001:2007, para la Empresa Duquesa S.A ubicada en Bogotá D.C
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The project degree mode internship is based on the implementation of the Integrated Management System Safety, health and environment in the company DUQUESA S.A, with reference to ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007, in order to minimize environmental impacts and the risks they are exposed day by day employees contribute to their well-being and increase productivity in the company.
The first thing that was done was the diagnosis of the current situation of the company against the requirements of the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, likewise, was taken as a baseline consumption of water, energy, gas and solid waste management in the company in order to identify actions to mitigate environmental, Additional risks are discussed in the workplace. Subsequently, the comprehensive policy was developed taking into account the needs and commitment to the company over its environmental, safety and health of workers; information relevant to the development of the matrix of identification of aspects and assessment of impacts from different areas and activities collected Duchess SA, following the methodology of Dr. Jorge Alonso Arboleda Gonzalez for evaluation of environmental impacts to existing activities. He followed this information for the preparation of the matrix Hazard identification and risk assessment in health and safety met given the Colombian-GTC Technical Guide 45 (2010).
Finally actions according to the significant environmental impacts and risks to which workers are exposed settled. an array of cleaner production, containing, objectives, targets, indicators, and activities with environmental, technical and economic benefits, is presented jointly, in the area of safety and health at work were raised in the programs of preventive medicine and work, industrial safety and industrial hygiene, with activities sub obey the PDCA cycle, which respond to the situational analysis of the company regarding the diagnosis of health workers, safe jobs and environmental hygiene measures in order to ensure an optimal environment for workers and the surrounding community and thus adjust the position of the company against the requirements of the regulations.