Biochemical alterations in soybean seeds with harvesting time and storage temperature


The main challenge of research on seed vigor is the identification of the parameters associated with deterioration. Electrophoresis techniques can detect the initial stages of deterioration by evaluating enzyme activity involved in the degradation and oxidation of reserve products. The objective of this study was to monitor the deterioration of soybean seeds related to storage temperature and the harvest period, using enzymatic parameters. Seeds of the MGBR-46 Conquista cultivar were harvested at three different stages: physiological maturity (R7 stage); R7+ 7 days and R7 + 15 days. The seeds were stored in a cold chamber at 10°C, 45-50% RHair and in a climatized chamber at 25°C and 60-75% RHair and were evaluated every three months during storage to obtain enzymatic profiles by analyzing the esterase (EST), malate and glutamate dehydrogenase (MDH and GTDH) enzymes. The activity of EST and MDH fell after the sixth month of storage as demonstrated by a weakening of the bands and their disappearance in the 9th and 12th month of storage at 25°C. The activity of GTDH was only lower in the 9th and 12th month of storage at 25°C. The enzymatic profiles obtained allowed evaluation of the physiological potential, indicating the beginning of seed deterioration during storage and the harvesting period. The activity of MDH, GTDH and EST are affected by the storage period and temperature.



Isoenzymatic system, Physiological potential, Seeds, Storage, Vigor test

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Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, v. 11, n. 3-4, p. 887-891, 2013.