Proces decyzyjny i zarządczy w Unii Europejskiej – znaczenie systemu agencyjnego
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Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej
Lodz University of Technology Publisher
Lodz University of Technology Publisher
This study has been devoted to the agency system of the European Union and its place and role in the decisional and management process of this integration grouping. The content of this monograph has been divided into six chapters – five of them describe the EU agencies; chapter I has an introductive character
and presents the description of the EU institutional system.
In the following chapters (i.e. II, III, IV, V and VI) one can find a detailed
description of a genesis, organizational structure, goals and functions of the Community agencies, foreign policy and security agencies, agencies for domestic affairs and judicature and executive agencies. To illustrate goals and functions, the decisional and management activities of the EU agencies have been presented as a decentralized structures supporting EU institutional system, member states and their citizens. The deepening of the integration process has caused, that the agencies have become an indispensible element of the whole institutional system. The agencies have been entrusted with numerous and various tasks depending on the agency`s type. In this way they secure a sophisticated knowledge, beginning from the quality of our professional life and environment, through basic rights, services for the society and the industry, finishing on security, justice and application of the structural aid. All these issues are present in this monograph.
Red. nauk. Wydziału Organizacji i Zarządzania: Lewandowski, Jerzy.
Słowa kluczowe
Unia Europejska, organy UE, Rada Europejska, trybunały UE, system agencyjny UE
Greta M., Otto J., Proces decyzyjny i zarządczy w Unii Europejskiej – znaczenie systemu agencyjnego., Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, Łódź 2016, ISBN 978-83-7283-785-1.