Biokatalitiese komponente in sade van enkele spesies uit die families Fabaceae en Caryophyllaceae

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Du Plessis, Helena Aletta
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University of the Free State
English: In the south of Germany it was observed that species of the families Fabaceae and Caryophyllaceae survived an unknown environmental catastrophy while this was not the case with plant species from other families (Huster, Personal observation). Seed suspensions of some species belonging to these two families were applied to agricultural crops as foliar sprays, improving both the vegetative growth and yield of the crops. This supplied the rationale to test the seeds of South African species from these two families for its biocatalytic properties. Seeds of two species from each of the mentioned families namely Acacia karroo and Acacia erioloba from the family Fabaceae as well as Pollichia campestris and Dianthus basuticus from the family Caryophyllaceae, were subsequently screened for similar biocatalytic properties. Not much information on the chemical composition of these four plant species and nothing at all about their biocatalytic activity could be found in literature. In the study that followed biocatalytic activity was confirmed in a seed suspension of Acacia erioloba (Fabaceae) as it increased the respiration rate of a mono culture yeast cells as well as root growth of Cress-seedlings markedly. Activity directed liquid-liquid extraction of the A. erioloba seed suspension revealed that most of the biocatalytic activity was present in the ethyl acetate fraction. Further column chromatographic fractionation of the ethyl acetate fraction produced 13 combined column fractions of which two were active. Activity directed preparative thinlayer chromatographic purification of compounds in one of these fractions produced one active compound that was identified as 2-ethylhexylphtalate by means of nuclear magnetic resonans (NMR) spectroscopy. From the second column chromatography fraction six compounds were isolated but in such small amounts that NMR analysis was not possible. By means of colour reagents it was, however, established that three of the six compounds were alkaloids, two were terpenoides and one a coumarin. It is recommended that active components in this group should be identified in a follow-up study by initially extracting much more seed material.
Afrikaans: In die suide van Duitsland is opgemerk dat spesies van die families Fabaceae en Caryophyllaceae 'n onbekende omgewingkatastrofe oorleef het terwyl dit nie die geval was met plantspesies van ander families nie (Huster, Persoonlike mededeling). Saadsuspensies van enkele spesies uit hierdie twee families, wat op landbou gewasse gespuit is, het beide die vegetatiewe groei en oesopbrengs van die gewasse positief beïnvloed. Dit het die rasionaallaat ontstaan om saad van Suid-Afrikaanse spesies uit hierdie twee families ook vir hierdie biokatalitiese eienskap te toets. Die saad van twee spesies uit elk van die genoemde families naamlik Acacia karroo en Acacia erioloba uit die familie Fabaceae en Pollichia campestris en Dianthus basuticus uit die familie Caryophyllaceae, is vir soortgelyke eienskap ondersoek. Betreklik min inligting oor die chemiese samestelling van die vier gekose plantspesies en niks oor hulle biokatalitiese aktiwiteit kon in die literatuur opgespoor word nie. In die studie wat gevolg het is merkbaar biokatalitiese aktiwiteit in 'n saadsuspensie van Acacia erioloba (Fabaceae), bevestig deurdat dit veral die respirasietempo van 'n monokultuur gisselle en die wortelgroei van Cresssaailinge betekenisvol gestimuleer het. Aktiwiteitsgerigte vloeistof-vloeistof ekstraksie van die A. erioloba saadsuspensie het aan die lig gebring dat die meeste van die biokatalitiese aktiwiteit in die etielasetaatfraksie geleë was. Verdere kolomchromatografiese fraksionering van die etielasetaat fraksie het dertien gekombineerde kolomfraksies opgelewer waarvan twee biokatalities aktiefwas. Aktiwiteitsgerigte preparatiewe dunlaagchromatografiese surwenng van komponente in een van laasgenoemde twee fraksies het een biokatalities aktiewe komponent opgelewer wat deur middel van kernmagnetiese resonans (KMR) spektroskopie struktureelontsyfer is en as 2-etielheksielftalaat geïdentifiseer is. Uit die tweede kolomchromatografie fraksie is 6 komponente geïsoleer maar hulle was in sulke klein hoeveelhede herwin dat KMR analise daarop nie moontlik was nie. Met behulp van kleurreagense is egter vasgestel dat drie van die ses alkaloïede, twee terpenoïede en een 'n koumarien was. Dit word aanbeveel dat 'n poging in 'n opvolgstudie aangewend word om die aktiewe komponente uit hierdie groep te identifiseer deur aanvanklik heelwat meer saadmateriaal te ekstraheer.
Fabaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Acacia erioloba, Biocatalytic activity, Respiration rate, Seedling growth, 2-Ethylhexylphtalate, Enzymes -- Analysis, Dissertation (M.Sc.Agric. (Soil, Crop and Climate Sciences))--University of the Free State, 2002, Plant regulators