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Folk songs of many peoples : with English versions by American poets / compiled and edited by Florence Hudson Botsford

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volume 1 score
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volume 1 circulation record
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volume 2 score
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volume 2 circulation record
Winds blow
When the sun shines
Includes lyrics by Christopher Morley: When the sun shines, v.1, p.77; and The winds blow, v.1, p.114. --- Reference: Lyle, Morley, p. 90. --- With music. --- "The editor has not limited her choice to folk songs alone, but has included composed songs, upon which time and popular favor have set the seal of approval."--Foreword. --- v. 1. Esthonia. Come my dearest ; Will you be mine? ; The harp song ; Wedding joy ; Moan to the moon -- Finland. Our land ; Suomi's song ; Finnish hymn ; Tuulan tei ; The lovely rose ; Vale of shadow ; Beyond the wood ; Far in the forest ; Song of my dear ; The gay young bachelor ; Polka -- Latvia. National hymn ; Where did you grow? ; The sun runs its course -- Lithuania. Lithuanian national hymn ; Softly flows the Niemen ; Sowing the rue ; At the spring ; In my dreams ; To-day in Bethlehem ; Mother sent me -- Poland. Polish national anthem ; Onward brothers ; O, thou Lord God (national hymn) ; Choral ; Near Krakow ; The little shepherd ; Jack, where are you going? ; The tiny hut ; The green grove ; By the lake ; Polonaise ; The barberry ; Across the Niemen ; The little quail ; Why, oh mother? ; Rosemary ; The Cossack ; At the spinning wheel ; When the sun shines ; Halka ; Spring song ; Oberek ; Lullaby carol ; Amid the silence -- Russia. Glory to the Lord in Zion (Kol slaven) ; Down the Volga! ; The birchen brand ; Stenka Razin ; The birch tree ; Hej onward! ; In the orchard, in the garden ; The peddler ; Mother, do not scold me ; Night ; By the fireside ; The troika ; The little cudgel ; The Christ is coming ; Christmas greeting -- Ukraine. Petrus ; The bending branch ; The sun is low ; The winds blow ; Do not go, Gregory ; Cossack's lament ; Red-headed family ; Is this the same brook? ; A high mountain stands ; Rushes and roars the wide Dnieper ; Reapers on the mountain ; Yuletide (Kolyada) -- Czechia. Where is my home? ; O, that the dear giver of life ; The bag-pipes ; Andulko ; I'll have no other one ; Little dove ; Tripping maidens ; All joy is gone ; Ráda song ; Weeding flax-fields blue ; Sedlak, Sedlak (The farmer) ; Bohemian Christmas carol -- Moravia. Little wild goose -- Silesia. A fair dove -- Slovakia. Slovak national anthem (Over Tatra) ; The disappointed suitors ; Just without our little window ; Come you here, laddie ; Flowing water ; Ho, Slavonians! ; Annie, the miller's daughter -- Hungary. Louis Kossuth ; Sea of stars ; Broken is my violin ; Moonlight and starry night ; In the forest ; Palkó, Jankó (The name of two horses) ; Forget-me-not ; Rare the barley, rare the rye, rare the wheat ; Christmas carol -- Bulgaria. Shumi Maritsa (Bulgarian national hymn) ; Oh, thou ancient mountain (Stara planina) ; The gray dove ; Vows ; The cuckoo is calling (Stara planina) ; Rada ; Donna ; Rada and Petko ; Buriano -- Macedonia-Bulgarian. Where were you, Cveta? ; Macedonia -- Bosnia. Kara Mustafa -- Carniola. In Gorensko -- Croatia. Croatian national anthem ; Be still my heart ; Remembrance ; In the Kolo ; Christ is born, His name praise! -- Dalmatia. One moment ; Reproach -- Herzegovina. Sarajevo kolo (dance) -- Istria. Yesterday evening -- Montenegro. Montenegro -- Serbia. Serbian national anthem ; O bright sun! ; Gloomy night ; How fair is she! ; White dawn has not come stealing ; Tik, tak, tak ; Rose of yesteryear ; Greeting -- Slavonia. At parting ; Mournful love ; Tambourica ; A Slovenian girl ; The coquette ; Girls at the river ; Rosemary -- --- v. 2. United States. The unconstant lovyer ; Cape Cod chantey ; Old folks at home ; De ballet of de boll weevil ; Sift along, boys ; The cowboy's lament ; The dying cowboy ; Game song ; My bark canoe ; Her shadow ; The love signal ; Marriage song ; Aya po ; At parting ; Farewell to the warriors ; Her blanket ; The swapping song ; The little mohee ; Barbara Allen ; Christ was born in Bethlehem ; The little family ; Aunt Leah's song ; Ain't goin' study war no more ; Arguing the bargain ; Jaybird ; My Merlindy Brown ; Link o'day ; No hidin' place ; Nobody knows de trouble I've seen ; Hear the lambs a-crying ; Rise up, shepherd, an' foller ; Behold that star ; Po' lil Lolo ; Suzette -- Hawaii. Aloha oe ; What is love? -- Mexico. The incognito gallant ; The peasant girl ; The poll-parrot ; To Jarez we will go ; The pilgrims ; Little purple poppy ; The owlet ; The bumpkin ; The peacock ; The bull and the cowboy -- Latin America. The shepherd girl ; The cabin ;The cross in the valley ; The pearl ; Little shepherds ; Why, Creator? -- Canada. Cecilia ; Pretty Fanny ; A change of mind ; La Bastringue ; Fair Isabeau was walking ; Shepherdess, whence come you? -- Ireland. The snowy-breasted pearl ; The fair hills of Eire O ; Bendemeer's stream ; Fair Una ; The wife of tone ; The fair young child -- Scotland. Caller herrin' ; The brown lad ; Hogmanay night ; I climb the mountain -- Wales. Venture, Gwen -- Belgium. The bells ; The little sheep-girl ; Pierlala ; Excelsis! Gloria! -- Netherlands. Hey, 'twas in the May ; Agnes ; The simple birth ; In winter, when it's raining -- Switzerland. The old Guggisberg song ; Herd of cattle ; Four horses ; Weggis song ; Lucas -- Germany. Secret love ; There is a reaper ; On the mountain ; The thoughts are free ; How quiet is the moonrise ; Three leaves on the linden tree ; The spinner -- Austria. In the meadow ; Look out, how it's raining ; What wonders fill the sky -- Denmark. One summer day ; Roselille ; Good eveneing ; The perfect rose ; Marsk Stig's daughters ; The three rascals ; Fly, bird, fly -- Norway. I see you through the window ; Paul on the hill ; In Kraakalund ; Rötnam's knut ; I laid me down so softly ; O fetch the water ; Ah, ola, ola -- Sweden. As the star ; Christmas polka ; The purple gold ribbon ; The mountain captive ; By daytime at my work ; The neckan's polka ; O crystal the finest -- Italy. I'd like to die ; Dearest mother, I am ill ; Violetta ; O sing, fair maid ; Beneath your balcony ; Ritornelli ; The road to Moltras ; Christmas lullaby ; Stornelli ; As I wandered ; Bound with chains ; Out on the stormy sea ; Mother, let me go ; Rachella ; I told you of my love ; The wheelbarrow loaders ; Spite ; See the moon ; I see the ships ; The three doves ; O fisherman on the waves ; You are all my treasure ; Under the garden trees I picked finochi -- Sicily. Beneath thy windows ; Tarantella ; Love's greeting ; Song of the washwoman -- Sardinia. Sighs from my heart ; Why wound me? -- Portugal. The fisherman ; Miss Rosie ; To the child Jesus ; The little boat ; The vira -- Azores. The chamarrita ; The bootmaker ; Fond regrets -- Madeira. The little girls of Camacha -- Albania. Rise my Mahmude ; The month of May ; Beautiful nose -- Greece. The lute player and the dancing lass ; The vineyard and its master ; The kleftman ; Why does he haunt my door? ; Old Demos and his rifle ; The mother deer ; Saint Basil ; The shepherd boy ; The dance of Zalongo -- Roumania. Aoleo! ; The peasant girl ; The ardelean woman ; Two maidens washing wool ; Mugur, mugurel ; Stalk of maize ; Hora ; The highlander ; Ice upon the river ; O flowers wondrous ; The star -- Armenia. The prisoner to the swallow ; The spool ; Come, o nightingale ; Come, Mannan ; The sure hope ; Haberban ; Daybreak ; O my love, my plane-tree! -- Syria. Across the bridge, o come ; O mother mine ; Indian taffeta ; My day is bitter ; I wandered among the mountains ; Hearken to the jubilee ; Christmas chant ; Three maiden lovers ; Welcome song -- Jewish. At the cozy hearth ; The old, old questions ; Elijah the prophet ; My youngest one is wedded ; Ten brothers ; A Talmudical student's lament ; The uninvited aunt ; A teamster's complaint ; What will happen when the Messiah comes? -- India. Gopi's complaint ; To the hem of thy garment I cling ; Amina's song ; Jasmine blooms in my courtyard -- China. The feast of lanterns ; Longing ; Yoh-wu-mo ; A love song ; The lily ; Spring-time -- Japan. It is spring ; Lullaby ; A song from Kiso ; The four seasons in Kioto ; Waiting ; Counting song ; The moon ; The rabbit and the turtle ; Momotaro ; Cherry blooms ; From Nippon Bridge -- Africa. Day dawns with freight to haul ; Lullaby.
Florence Hudson Botsford - Editor

Christopher Morley (1890 - 1957) - Author

Primary Item Type:
Musical Score
LC Call No. M1627 .B74
LCSH Folk songs.
Subject Keywords:
Folk songs.
Sponsor - Description:
National Endowment for the Humanities -
Original Publication Date:
Previously Published By:
The Womans Press
Place Of Publication:
New York
Number of Pages - 1 score (2 v.)
Dimensions - 27 cm
License Grantor / Date Granted:
Sibley Music Library Reference Desk / 2012-03-05 17:18:43.651 ( View License )
Date Deposited
2012-03-05 17:18:43.651
Date Last Updated
2012-09-26 16:35:14.586719
Sibley Music Library Reference Desk

Copyright © This item is in the public domain.

All Versions

Thumbnail Name Version Created Date
Folk songs of many peoples : with English versions by American poets / compiled and edited by Florence Hudson Botsford1 2012-03-05 17:18:43.651