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The use of "Generating Techniques" in Fishery Policy Analysis: Study Case for the Yellowfin Tuna FIshery

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  • Multiobjective decision analysis (MDA) is a useful assessment method when fishery managers need a systematic investigation of the trade-offs involved in the selection of alternative policy options. An important class of techniques within MDA is vector optimization, consisting of mathematical programming models with vector valued objective functions. From the management perspective vector optimization models are suited for situations when the decision rule requires that each objective be kept as high (or low) as possible. Solving vector optimization problems usually entails finding a set of Pareto optimal solutions. If decision makers have monotonic preferences then these solutions are highly relevant to the decision making process. In this paper a vector optimization model of the eastern Pacific yellowfin tuna fishery is used to generate Pareto optimal solutions and evaluate the trade-offs (shadow prices). Three conflicting policy objectives are considered, (a) minimizing dolphin incidental mortality, (b) minimizing by-catch of all non-dolphin species, and (c) maximizing total yellowfin tuna catch. Results are presented and discussed by means of non linear trade-off curves.
  • Keywords: tuna-dolphin controversy, Fisheries Economics, by-catch, Multiobjective decision making, Theoretical and Empirical Bio-Economic Modelling
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  • Enriquez-Andrade, Roberto Ramon, Juan Guillermo Vaca-Rodriguez. 2002. The use of "Generating Techniques" in Fishery Policy Analysis: Study Case for the Yellowfin Tuna FIshery. Peer Review: No. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial Conference of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade, August 19-22, 2002, Wellington, New Zealand: Fisheries in the Global Economy. Compiled by Ann L. Shriver. International Institute of Fisheries Economics & Trade, Corvallis, Oregon, USA, 2002. CD ROM.
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