Nivel lingüístico en niños pre-escolares de una institución educativa privada de Chaclacayo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar y describir el
nivel lingüístico de la población pre-escolar del Colegio Privado Lomas de Santa
María en el distrito de Chaclacayo. Es una investigación Descriptiva, de diseño
no experimental.
Para la realización de la investigación se evaluó a 157 niños en edad pre
escolar de ambos sexos, entre las edades de tres a seis años de edad a quienes se
les administró de manera individual la prueba de Lenguaje Oral de Navarra
Revisada (PLON-R), adaptada a Lima Metropolitana, la cual mide las
dimensiones de Forma, Contenido y Uso del Lenguaje y sus respectivos
Los resultados determinaron que los niños de tres años necesitan mejorar
su nivel lingüístico, en la dimensión de Uso del componente pragmático.
Los niños de cuatro y cinco años, en cuanto al nivel lingüístico,
presentaron retraso, y necesitan mejorar en la dimensión de Contenido de los
componentes léxico-semántico y en la dimensión de Uso del componente
En la edad de seis años, encontramos que presentan retraso en las
dimensiones de Forma del componente morfosintáctico y en la dimensión de Uso
del componente pragmático del lenguaje. Como vemos la población pre-escolar
del Colegio Lomas de Santa María del distrito de Chaclacayo, necesita mejorar el
nivel lingüístico de sus estudiantes, puesto que el porcentaje más alto de la
población se encuentra en retraso.
This investigation has as objective to determinate and describes the linguistic level of the pre school population of the Lomas de Santa Maria private school in the Chaclacayo district. Is a descriptive investigation of a no experimental design. For the realization of this investigation 157 children in preschool of both sexes were evaluated between three to six years old, who were administered in an individual way, the test of Oral Language of Navarra examination (PLON-R) adapted to metropolitan Lima, by Alejandro Dioses Chocano from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos which reassures dimensions of Form, Content and Use of the Language and its respective components. The results determined that children of three years old need to improve their linguistic level, in the dimension of Use the pragmatic component. Children of four and five years old, in terms of the linguistic level present delay and they need to improve in the dimension of Content the lexic semantic components and in the dimension of Use the pragmatic component. In the age of six years old I found that they present delay in the dimension of Form the morfosintactic component and in the dimension of Use the pragmatic component of language. .As we can see the preschool population of the Lomas de Santa Maria school in the district of Chaclacayo, need to improve the linguistic level of their students because the highest percentage of the population is in delay.
This investigation has as objective to determinate and describes the linguistic level of the pre school population of the Lomas de Santa Maria private school in the Chaclacayo district. Is a descriptive investigation of a no experimental design. For the realization of this investigation 157 children in preschool of both sexes were evaluated between three to six years old, who were administered in an individual way, the test of Oral Language of Navarra examination (PLON-R) adapted to metropolitan Lima, by Alejandro Dioses Chocano from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos which reassures dimensions of Form, Content and Use of the Language and its respective components. The results determined that children of three years old need to improve their linguistic level, in the dimension of Use the pragmatic component. Children of four and five years old, in terms of the linguistic level present delay and they need to improve in the dimension of Content the lexic semantic components and in the dimension of Use the pragmatic component. In the age of six years old I found that they present delay in the dimension of Form the morfosintactic component and in the dimension of Use the pragmatic component of language. .As we can see the preschool population of the Lomas de Santa Maria school in the district of Chaclacayo, need to improve the linguistic level of their students because the highest percentage of the population is in delay.
Niños--Lenguaje, Educación preescolar--Perú--Chaclacayo (Lima : Distrito), Lenguaje--Estudio y enseñanza, Educación de niños--Perú--Chaclacayo (Lima : Distrito), Niños--Lenguaje--Evaluación
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