El análisis de la aplicación del principio de culpabilidad en el marco de un Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador realizado por la Dirección General de Medicamentos, Insumos y Drogas – DIGEMID en el año 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El problema principal del presente trabajo académico es realizar el análisis de la
aplicación del principio de culpabilidad en el marco de un Procedimiento
Administrativo Sancionador realizado por la Dirección General de
Medicamentos, Insumos y Drogas – DIGEMID, esto quiere decir, que lo pretendo
es revisar como se viene determinando el elemento culpabilidad o de qué forma
se viene aplicando este elemento específicamente al momento de evaluar la
imposición de una sanción por el incumplimiento del artículo 30° del Reglamento
de Establecimientos Farmacéuticos aprobado por Decreto Supremo N° 014-
2011-SA, modificado por Decreto Supremo N° 033-2014-SA, es decir, no
entregar información de precios de la oferta comercial de productos
farmacéuticos en el plazo y/o condiciones establecidas por la Autoridad en la
Plataforma del Observatorio de Precios porque considero que el hecho de que
la Digemid tenga como fin salvaguardar el derecho constitucional a la protección
de la salud pública no lo exime de considerar a la responsabilidad como
En ese sentido, el objetivo del trabajo académico se centra en examinar como la
DIGEMID desarrolla el elemento de culpabilidad para imponer una sanción o
multa a los establecimientos farmacéuticos públicos y privados por no cumplir
con subir los precios de su oferta comercial a la Plataforma del Observatorio de
Precios. Así pues, de lo analizado hasta este punto, se observa que el juicio de
culpabilidad que viene utilizando Digemid es un juicio de culpabilidad muy tenue
o básico ya que simplemente se limita a señalar que, como la Plataforma del
Observatorio de Precios se encontraba operativa el establecimiento
farmacéutico no cumplió con colgar la información solicitada dentro del plazo de
30 días lo que origina que sea el administrado quien tenga la carga de la prueba,
esto es, demostrar que el incumplimiento se debió a una imperiosa situación que
le impidió subir la información.
The main problem of this academic work is to carry out the analysis of the application of the principle of guilt in the framework of an Administrative Sanctioning Procedure carried out by the General Directorate of Medicines, Supplies and Drugs - DIGEMID, this means that I intend to review how the element of guilt is being determined or how this element is being applied specifically when evaluating the imposition of a sanction for non-compliance with article 30 of the Regulations for Pharmaceutical Establishments approved by Supreme Decree No. 014-2011-SA, modified by Supreme Decree No. 033-2014- SA, that is, not providing price information on the commercial offer of pharmaceutical products within the term and/or conditions established by the Authority on the Price Observatory Platform because I consider that the fact of that the purpose of the Digemid is to safeguard the constitutional right to the protection of public health is not xime to consider responsibility as subjective. In this sense, the objective of the academic work focuses on examining how DIGEMID develops the element of guilt to impose a sanction or fine on public and private pharmaceutical establishments for not complying with raising the prices of their commercial offer to the Observatory Platform. of prices. Thus, from what has been analyzed up to this point, it can be seen that the judgment of guilt that Digemid has been using is a very tenuous or basic judgment of guilt since it simply limits itself to pointing out that, since the Price Observatory Platform was operational on pharmaceutical establishment did not comply with posting the requested information within the 30-day period, which means that the company has the burden of proof, that is, demonstrating that the breach was due to an imperative situation that prevented it from uploading the information.
The main problem of this academic work is to carry out the analysis of the application of the principle of guilt in the framework of an Administrative Sanctioning Procedure carried out by the General Directorate of Medicines, Supplies and Drugs - DIGEMID, this means that I intend to review how the element of guilt is being determined or how this element is being applied specifically when evaluating the imposition of a sanction for non-compliance with article 30 of the Regulations for Pharmaceutical Establishments approved by Supreme Decree No. 014-2011-SA, modified by Supreme Decree No. 033-2014- SA, that is, not providing price information on the commercial offer of pharmaceutical products within the term and/or conditions established by the Authority on the Price Observatory Platform because I consider that the fact of that the purpose of the Digemid is to safeguard the constitutional right to the protection of public health is not xime to consider responsibility as subjective. In this sense, the objective of the academic work focuses on examining how DIGEMID develops the element of guilt to impose a sanction or fine on public and private pharmaceutical establishments for not complying with raising the prices of their commercial offer to the Observatory Platform. of prices. Thus, from what has been analyzed up to this point, it can be seen that the judgment of guilt that Digemid has been using is a very tenuous or basic judgment of guilt since it simply limits itself to pointing out that, since the Price Observatory Platform was operational on pharmaceutical establishment did not comply with posting the requested information within the 30-day period, which means that the company has the burden of proof, that is, demonstrating that the breach was due to an imperative situation that prevented it from uploading the information.
Sanciones administrativas--Legislación--Perú, Medicamentos--Legislación--Perú, Dirección General de Medicamentos, Insumos y Drogas (Perú)--Jurisprudencia
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