Claridad del autoconcepto, autoestima, auto-reflexión e insight en adultos jóvenes residentes en Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La investigación tuvo por objetivo describir las relaciones existentes entre la claridad del
autoconcepto, la autoestima y los procesos auto-atencionales de auto-reflexión e insight en
una muestra de adultos jóvenes residentes en Lima (Perú). Con este fin se aplicó una serie
de pruebas, vía internet, a una muestra de 116 adultos jóvenes con edades entre 18 y 34
años (M = 22.97; DE = 2.58). Se encontró que la claridad del autoconcepto está relacionada
negativamente con la necesidad de auto-reflexión y positivamente con el insight,
cuestionándose así el supuesto teórico de independencia entre dimensiones estructurales y
de contenido del autoconcepto. La participación de la auto-reflexión no se relacionó con el
insight ni con la claridad del autoconcepto, confirmando hallazgos previos según los cuales
la actividad auto-reflexiva no sería necesaria ni suficiente para alcanzar el insight o una
mayor claridad. La autoestima no mostró asociación con las variables de estudio, hecho que
se replica en otras investigaciones que cuestionan su relevancia para variables vinculadas al
bienestar. Finalmente, tampoco se encontró diferencia de medias de acuerdo al sexo de los
participantes para ninguno de los constructos estudiados, probablemente debido a la
homogeneidad de las características socio-demográficas y culturales de la muestra.
The aim of this research was to describe the relations between self-concept clarity, selfesteem and the self-focused attention processes of self-reflection and insight in a sample of young adult residents in Lima (Peru). For this purpose a test battery was applied, using internet, to a sample of 116 young adults aged between 18 and 34 years old (M = 22.97; DE = 2.58). Self-concept clarity was found to be negatively correlated with the need for selfreflection and positively correlated with insight, which questions the theoretical assumption of independence between the structural and the content dimensions of the self-concept. Engagement in self-reflection wasn’t found to be related either with insight nor self-concept clarity, thus confirming previous findings which suggest that self-reflective activity is neither necessary nor sufficient to achieve insight or greater clarity. Self-esteem wasn’t found related to any constructof this study, fact that replicates other research questioning its relevance for well-being-related variables. Finally, no mean difference regarding the sex of participants was found for any of the constructs, probably due to the homogeneity of the sample’s socio-demographic and cultural characteristics.
The aim of this research was to describe the relations between self-concept clarity, selfesteem and the self-focused attention processes of self-reflection and insight in a sample of young adult residents in Lima (Peru). For this purpose a test battery was applied, using internet, to a sample of 116 young adults aged between 18 and 34 years old (M = 22.97; DE = 2.58). Self-concept clarity was found to be negatively correlated with the need for selfreflection and positively correlated with insight, which questions the theoretical assumption of independence between the structural and the content dimensions of the self-concept. Engagement in self-reflection wasn’t found to be related either with insight nor self-concept clarity, thus confirming previous findings which suggest that self-reflective activity is neither necessary nor sufficient to achieve insight or greater clarity. Self-esteem wasn’t found related to any constructof this study, fact that replicates other research questioning its relevance for well-being-related variables. Finally, no mean difference regarding the sex of participants was found for any of the constructs, probably due to the homogeneity of the sample’s socio-demographic and cultural characteristics.
Autoconcepto, Autoestima
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